
This file includes variables relating to crops, including irrigation characteristics, and other vegetation. All vegetation is called crops in the text below, e.g. also forest. CropData.txt is only needed for nutrient or irrigation modelling, but can be used for water and tracer simulations. Crops in HYPE have a number of static properties, e.g. sowing and harvesting dates, which are read from CropData.txt. The handling of these properties assume the catchment is on the Northern hemisphere, i.e. that summer is the growing season. Crops are part of the unique combination making up an SLC class, as defined in GeoClass.txt. To allow for modifying properties of a certain crop within the model domain, e.g. to reflect climate gradients, several crop regions can be defined with corresponding variables region in GeoData.txt and reg in CropData.txt.

CropData.txt is a tab-separated text file located in the modeldir folder. The first row contains a column header with variable names. Variable names are not case-sensitive (max. 10 characters, no spaces). The following rows contain variable values for each crop. Columns with headings unknown to HYPE are skipped while reading the file. A text column may contain at most 100 characters. The first column is often used for a descriptive name of the crop, and not read by HYPE. The columns may be in any order. A value must exist for every column and row, i.e. empty cells are not allowed.

Example for CropData.txt file structure:

name    nr  cropid reg fn1 fp1 fday1 fdown1 ...
grains  1   1      1   80  5   100   0.1    ...
grains  2   1      2   80  5   120   0.1    ...
grasses 3   2      1   0   0   100   0.1    ...
...     ... ...    ... ... ... ...   ...    ...

All crop characteristics are described in the table below. Column Type groups variables according to:

The general unit (U) is used in tables of parameters and input data where the unit is not defined.

1 nr - General This column with row numbers is usually given to see the order of the crops, but is not read by the program.
2 cropid - General crop ID number (used in GeoClass.txt)
3 reg - General integer, agricultural region number (e.g. production region from agricultural statistics) (corresponds to region in GeoData.txt). Note, all regions defined in GeoData.txt must also be defined in CropData.txt
4 fn1 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of N in fertiliser (1st application) (100% IN)
5 fp1 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of P in fertiliser (1st application) (100% SP)
6 mn1 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of N in manure (1st application) (50% IN)
7 mp1 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of P in manure (1st application) (50% SP)
8 fday1 julian day Fertiliser day number for application of fertiliser (1st application)
9 mday1 julian day Fertiliser day number for application of manure (1st application)
10 fdown1 - Fertiliser fraction of fertiliser that is tilled down to second soil layer (1st application)
11 mdown1 - Fertiliser fraction of manure that is tilled down to second soil layer (1st application)
12 fn2 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of N in fertiliser (2nd application) (100% IN)
13 fp2 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of P in fertiliser (2nd application) (100% SP)
14 mn2 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of N manure (2nd application) (50% IN)
15 mp2 kg/(ha yr) Fertiliser amount of P manure (2nd application) (50% SP)
16 fday2 julian day Fertiliser day number for application of fertiliser (2nd application)
17 mday2 julian day Fertiliser day number for application of manure (2nd application)
18 fdown2 - Fertiliser fraction of fertiliser that is tilled down to second soil layer (2nd application)
19 mdown2 - Fertiliser fraction of manure that is tilled down to second soil layer (2nd application)
20 resn kg/(ha yr) Turnover amount of N that is added to the pool stored in the soil from decaying plants
21 resp kg/(ha yr) Turnover amount of P that is added to the pool stored in the soil from decaying plants
22 resc kg/(ha yr) Turnover amount of organic C that is added to the pool stored in the soil from decaying plants
23 resday julian day Turnover day number for application of decaying plants, if set to 0, a uniform application all year round is assumed
24 resdown - Turnover fraction of decaying plants that are tilled down to the second soil layer
25 resfast - Turnover fraction of decaying plants that are added to the fast turnover pool, used for N and P
26 up1 g/(m2 y) Turnover parameter for the crop’s potential uptake function (logistic growth) - typically 20 g N/m2/year for grains, 40 g N/m2/year for grasses. Note: must be larger than or equal to up2. A value equal to up2 indicates no uptake of nutrients.
27 up2 - Turnover parameter for the crop’s potential uptake function (logistic growth) - typically 1
28 up3 1/day Turnover parameter for the crop’s potential uptake function (logistic growth) - typically 0.12 1/day
29 upupper - Turnover fraction of nutrient uptake in uppermost soil layer
30 pnupr - Turnover P-N relationship for nutrient uptake
31 bd1 julian day Turnover day number for spring ploughing, give 0 if no spring ploughing.
32 bd2 julian day Turnover day number for start of growth season in spring (typically sow date or a few days later). Default method for start of growth season, but also needed for ground cover/crop cover calculations.
33 bd3 julian day Turnover day number for harvest (end of growing season)
34 bd4 julian day Turnover day number for autumn ploughing, 0 if no autumn ploughing
35 bd5 julian day Turnover day number for autumn crop’s grown season start (typically sow date or some days later), 0 if not used
36 ccmax1 - Turnover Maximum crop cover fraction (between 0 and 1) for harvested crops during the spring-summer growth period.
Maximum crop cover fraction for permanent vegetation (e.g. forest).
37 ccmax2 - Turnover Maximum crop cover fraction (between 0 and 1) for harvested crops during the autumn-winter growth period (e.g. set to 0 for spring-sown crops, and to > 0 for autumn-sown crops). Always 0 for permanent vegetation.
38 gcmax1 - Turnover Maximum ground cover fraction (between 0 and 1) for harvested crops during the spring-summer growth period.
Maximum ground cover fraction for permanent vegetation (e.g. forest).
39 gcmax2 - Turnover Maximum ground cover fraction (between 0 and 1) for harvested crops during the autumn-winter growth period. Always 0 for permanent vegetation.
40 irrcrop - Irrigation Flag for irrigated crops (1 for irrigated, 0 for other (default))
41 plantday julian day Irrigation day number for planting
42 lengthini days Irrigation number of days for initial crop growth period
43 kcbini - Irrigation basal crop coefficient for initial crop growth period
44 lengthdev days Irrigation number of days for development crop growth period
45 lengthmid days Irrigation number of days for middle crop growth period
46 kcbmid - Irrigation basal crop coefficient for middle crop growth period
47 lengthlate days Irrigation number of days for late crop growth period
48 kcbend - Irrigation basal crop coefficient for end of late crop growth period
48 dlref - Irrigation reference depletion level
50 imm_start julian day Irrigation day number for start of immersion period. Zero (default) for non-immersed crops.
51 imm_end julian day Irrigation day number for end of immersion period (immersion period must be contained in irrigation period). Zero (default) for non-immersed crops.
52 gsdaylen hours Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, length of day needed to start accumulate GDD (for alternative growth start model 1-3)
53 gsgddsow degreedays Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, GDD needed to start growth season (for alternative growth start model 1-3)
54 gsbasetemp degree Celsius Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, temperature deducted from airtemp when calculating GDD (typical value 0-10) (for alternative growth start model 1-3)
55 gsfirstday julian day Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, first day when GDD accumulation or temperature above threshold calculation can start. Usually set to 1 (for alternative growth start medel 1-4)
56 gsdaytemp degree Celsius Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, temperature threshold for counting the day to the consequetive number of days (for alternative growth start model 4)
57 gsdayacc days Turnover/ Irrigation growth season parameter, wanted number of consequetive days (for alternative growth start model 4)
58 tamount U/ha T1 source amount of T1 to be applied per year and ha
59 tyear - T1 source year to apply T1, if zero T1 will be applied every year
60 tday julian day T1 source day to start T1 application
61 tnumdays days T1 source number of days with T1 application (with start at tday)
62 tdaydown julian day T1 source day number for T1 to be tilled down
63 tdown1 - T1 source fraction of T1 above soil pool that are tilled down to the first soil layer
64 tdown2 - T1 source fraction of T1 above soil pool that are tilled down to the second soil layer

Note: The codes för growth start model was before HYPE version 5.26.0 called daylength, gddsow, basetemp, and firstday.