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If a Monte Carlo simulation is chosen and configured so that all performance results will be written to file (task WA defined in optpar.txt), the results are written to allsim.txt, one simulation per row. The file is located in the resultdir folder given in info.txt. The format is similar to that of bestsims.txt. Missing values are indicated as -9999.

File content

The first row contains column headings. The first column is the ordinal number, and the second the value of the objective function on which the simulations are sorted. The closest following columns are a set of performance criteria (se table below and equations). When several criteria are given in info.txt to be used together as the objective function, the columns with performance information will be repeated once per such criteria. The last columns contain parameter values.

The criterion value will be given if it has been calculated during the simulation. Which criterion that is calculated is determined by the choice of objective function. Criterion that can be deduced from the calculations of the objective function are saved, but no additional ones are calculated. Missing values are indicated with -9999. Note: If several RA criteria have been selected, only the last of them will be printed to file.

The columns of allsim.txt:

Column Description
NOrow number
CRITvalue of objective function
rr2regional Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (data from all subbasins combined in one data series)
sr2spatial Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, calculated using annual means for all subbasins (requires at least 5 years and 5 subbasins with data) to form one data series to calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency on
mr2average of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies for subbasins
rmaeregional mean absolute error (data from all subbasins combined in one data series)
srespatial relative bias (calculated on annual means for all subbasins)
rreregional relative bias (data from all subbasins combined in one data series)
mreaverage of the relative bias for all subbasins (Note: fraction, not %)
rraregional RA, similar to regional NSE, RA is a Nash-Sutcliffe like criterion where the square in the Nash-Sutcliffe formula is exchanged with a coefficient value
sraspatial RA, similar to spatial NSE, RA is a Nash-Sutcliffe like criterion where the square in the Nash-Sutcliffe formula is exchanged for a coefficient value
mraaverage value of RA for subbasins, RA is a Nash-Sutcliffe like criterion where the square in the Nash-Sutcliffe formula is exchanged with a coefficient value
tauaverage of Kendall's Tau value for subbasins
md2median of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency for subbasins
mdamedian of all subbasins’ RA (Nash-Sutcliffe like criteria where the square is exchanged with a coefficient value)
mrsaverage of error in standard deviation for subbasins
mccPearson correlation coefficient, average of all subbasins with observations
mdkgmedian of Kling-Gupta efficiency (MKG in info.txt) for subbasins
mareaverage of absolute relative bias for subbasins (Note: fraction. not %) (MAR in info.txt)
mnrmedian of normalised RMSE for subbasins
mnwaverage of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies adjusted for bias for subbasins
numrcnumber of data points included in calculation of regional criteria
nummcnumber of areas (subbasins/outregions) which criteria is included in mean and median criteria calculations
parnameparameter(s) that has been calibrated (one or several columns)
jpoppopulation index in DEMC-simulation
igengeneration index in DEMC-simulation
iaccacceptance code in DEMC-simulation (1=accepted)
start/hype_file_reference/allsim.txt.1499239770.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)