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AtmdepData.txt / AtmdepData_yyyymmdd[HHMM].txt

This file contains atmospheric depostion of all substances but T2. The deposition may be given as a dry deposition load or as a wet deposition concentration. The deposition is given for each subbasin, and can be further divided into different values for landuse/vegetation or time. T2 temperature is set from air temperature (T2 of precipitation).

The default is to use the file without date-time stamp and this file will be used up to the first specified date to change the atmospheric deposition. The dates which define when the atmospheric deposition will change is given in info.txt. At these dates, new atmospheric deposition is read from the file with the date-time stamp. The atmospheric deposition may change up to 10 times during a simulation.

AtmdepData.txt is a tab-separated file located in the modeldir folder. Subbasins are listed row-wise. The first row contains a column header with variable names. See below how variable names are constructed. Variable names are not case-sensitive. Columns with headings unknown to HYPE are skipped while reading the file. Columns containing character strings, e.g. descriptive meta-data, must not exceed a length of 100 characters. The columns may be in any order. A value must exist for every column and row, i.e. empty cells are not allowed. The unit of the deposition values are [mg/l] for wet deposition and [kg/km2/timestep] for dry deposition, with the exception for T1 which may have different units. The corresponding units for T1 in general unit U is [uU/l] and [U/km2/timestep].

The variable named are constructed as a combination of letter codes read consequtively with an underscore in between. The combination has maximum of four components.

  1. substance; the substance two letter code (see first part of table below)
  2. deposition type; DD for dry deposition, WD for wet deposition
  3. time dependence; monthly variation given as MX, where X is month 01-12. Skip for a constant value.
  4. landuse/vegetation dependence; vegetation type dependence given as V1-V3, where 1=open,2=forest and 3=water. Alternatively landuse given as LX, where X is the landuse number. Skip for a constant value. The classes' vegetation type and land use are given in GeoClass.txt or ClassData.txt.

Example of headings, a few commonly used columns: IN_DD_V1 - dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen for open land, IN_DD_V2 - dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen for forest land, IN_DD_V3 - dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen for water, IN_WD - wet deposition of inorganic nitrogen

Table. Substance two letter code used in HYPE. First part for simulated species, last part for additonal output variabels combinations.

code simulated substance
IN inorganic nitrogen
ON organic nitrogen
SP soluble reactive phosphorus
PP particulate phosphorus
OC organic carbon
SS suspended sediment
AE algae
DS dissolved silica
AS algae silica
T1 tracer
T2 water temperature (not used in AtmdepData.txt)
code combined substances
TN total nitrogen = IN+ON
TP total phosphorus = SP+PP
TS total sediment = SS+20*AE
SI total silica = DS+AS
start/hype_file_reference/atmdepdata.txt.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/01/25 11:38 (external edit)