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This file contains dam properties for outlet lakes that operate as reservoirs (i.e. dams) and which do not use general parameters (so the term olake below refers to those olakes that are reservoirs/dams). Properties defined here override the properties and generic parameters given in GeoData.txt and par.txt. Dams defined in DamData.txt can not be included in LakeData.txt (with the exception of a LakeData.txt with only nutrient model parameters). Dam properties include physical characteristics, e.g. depth, and regulation routine parameters. In DamData.txt, four different dam types with different purposes may be used. These are irrigation dam, water supply dam, flood control dam and hydropower dam. Each typ has its own rules for regulation. Hydropower dams are regulated similar to the routines in LakeData.txt, but not totally.

DamData.txt can only be used for standard olake (ldtype=1 as defined for LakeData.txt), no lakebasins are allowed.

DamData.txt is a tab-separated file located in the modeldir folder. Lakes are listed row-wise. The first row contains a column header with variable names. Variable names are not case-sensitive (max. 10 characters, no spaces). Columns with headings unknown to HYPE are skipped while reading the file, but must not longer than ten characters. Columns containing character strings, e.g. descriptive meta-data, must not exceed a length of 50 characters. The columns may be in any order. A value must exist for every column and row, i.e. empty cells are not allowed. Maximum 50 columns allowed.

Example snippet of a DamData.txt file structure:

4       25    16.7       189    100  1.5  104   0.27     18.8    16.3    16.5    ...
4       34    55.7       85     75   1.5  0     0.61     5.3     5.1     4.1     ...
...     ...   ...        ...    ...  ...  ...   ...      ...     ...     ...     ...

The table below describes all DamData.txt columns read by HYPE.

Variable ID Unit Purpose Description
subid-allsubbasin ID (integer), used to connect lake basins to lakes (mandatory)
purpose-allthe main purpose of the reservoir, 1= irrigation, 2=water supply, 3=flood control, 4=hydropower (mandatory)
lake_depthmallwater depth below threshold for outlet lake (mean depth), can also be defined in GeoData.txt (must be > 0)
w0refmallreference water level to be added to simulated water level before print out, for lake outflow threshold
qprod1m3/s1/2/4parameter for regulated olake, constant production flow down to lowest allowed waterstage for regulation period 1
qprod2m3/s1/2/4parameter for regulated olake, constant production flow down to lowest allowed waterstage for regulation period 2
datum1-1/2/4parameter for regulated olake, start of regulation period 1 (if not defined only one period is used) (4 character month-day string mmdd)
datum2-1/2/4parameter for regulated olake, start of regulation period 2 (4 character month-day string mmdd)
qamp-4parameter for regulated olake, seasonally varying flow in regulated volume. Variation defined in form of a sinus wave with this amplitude (as fraction of current qprod), where the minimum of the sinus wave occurs for day number qpha
qpha-4parameter for regulated olake, seasonally varying flow below the threshold. day number for the minimum of the sinus wave.
snowfrac-4fraction of the precipitation in the dam’s catchment that falls as snow (can be taken from a model run with this as output), used to give default seasonal varying production flow for high latitude dams (for snowfrac>0.35: qamp=0.71, qpha must be set)
ratem2/time stepallparameter for specific rating curve of unregulated lakes or for spillway flow of regulated olakes above threshold (w0ref), equation q = rate (w - w0)^exp
exp-allparameter for specific rating curve or for spillway flow of regulated olake above threshold (w0ref), equationq = rate (w - w0)^exp
regvol106 m3allregulation volume for general regulation routine. Determines lowest water stage for production flow. (must be less than lake depth * lake area) (suggest 85% of dam volume if data can’t be found)
deltaw0malldifference in lake threshold for regulation with two rating curves (m). Determines the lake threshold for regulation period 2 (w0=w0ref + deltaw0), see datum2
qinfjanm3/s3mean January inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinffebm3/s3mean Fabruary inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfmarm3/s3mean March inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfaprm3/s3mean April inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfmaym3/s3mean May inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfjunm3/s3mean June inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfjulm3/s3mean July inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfaugm3/s3mean August inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfsepm3/s3mean September inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfoctm3/s3mean October inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfnovm3/s3mean November inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
qinfdecm3/s3mean December inflow to reservoir (can be taken from a model run without reservoirs for example)
start/hype_file_reference/damdata.txt.1434611407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)