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HYPE variables

Variable IDs given in the table below are used in info.txt files to specify variables which are written in any of the possible output files, e.g.:

!! basinfile output of measured and simulated discharge
basinoutput variable rout cout

They appear accordingly in output file headers.

The variable IDs are also used in HYPE's observation data files, Xobs.txt. For a complete list of input files, see here. Input data from the files Pobs.txt, Tobs.txt and Qobs.txt has also variable IDs to be used in output and performance criteria determination.

As a general rule, observation variable IDs begin with an 'r' for recorded, and corresponding simulated variables with a 'c' for computed, Cf. rout and cout, the IDs for measured and simulated discharge. There are exceptions to the rule, though.

All variables in the table relates to a subbasin, either to the local subbasin or a part of it, or to the upstream area (e.g. outflow of a subbasin, cout). Additional output variables can be created for output regions or upstream areas by extending the name of the variable with 'rg' in the beginning (e.g. rgsnow) for regional values or with 'up' for upstream average value (e.g. upsnow). This method does not work on all variables, partly because the result would be nonsense (e.g. upcout or rgwcom) and partly because they are not yet defined for that area (i.e. variables refering to the area of soil layer 2 or 3 or water surface areas are not handled).

Column Agg. indicates the type of aggregation of the variables. The type determines how the variable is treated when asked for as an output variable or in a criterion calculation. The meanperiod of the output/criterion determines the period over which the variables values will be aggregated. They will be averaged, weight-averaged or summed according to the type of aggregation. Similarly single time step values represent either averages, weighted averages, or sums over the timestep.

Column Component links result variables to model components in HYPE model description.

The general unit (U) is used in tables of parameters and input data where the unit is not defined.

# Variable ID Unit Description Agg. Reference area Component
1temp°Cair temperature, provided in Tobs.txt/Tobs_nnn.txtAvg.subbasin areaTemp. & Precip.
2ctmp°Ccorrected air temperatureAvg.subbasin areaTemp. & Precip.
3snowmmsnow water equivalentAvg.subbasin land areaSnow
4sdepcmsnow depthAvg.subbasin land areaSnow
5rswemmobserved snow water equivalent, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areaSnow
6rsnwcmobserved snow depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areaSnow
7soimmmcomputed soil moisture (including standing water)Avg.subbasin land areaSoil
8som2mmsoil water of upper two soil layers (including standing water)Avg.subbasin land areaSoil
9sml1mmsoil moisture upper soil layer (not including standing water)Avg.area of soil layerSoil
10sml2mmsoil moisture second soil layerAvg.area of soil layerSoil
11sml3mmsoil moisture third soil layerAvg.area of soil layerSoil
12smrzmmsoil moisture root zone (upper two soil layers) (not including standing water)Avg.subbasin land areaSoil
13sm13mmsoil moisture all soil layers (not including standing water)Avg.subbasin land areaSoil
14stswmmstanding soil waterAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
15srff-soil moisture root zone (upper two soil layers) (not including standing water) as fraction of wcfc volumeAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
16smfd-soil moisture (not including standing water) as fraction of soil depthAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
17srfd-soil moisture root zone (upper two soil layers) (not including standing water) as fraction of root depthAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
18smfp-soil moisture (not including standing water) as fraction of pore volumeAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
19srfp-soil moisture root zone (upper two soil layers) (not including standing water) as fraction of pore volumeAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
20smdfmmsoil moisture deficit to field capacity of upper two soil layersAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
21gwatmgroundwater levelAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
22sfstcmfrost depthAvg.subbasin land areaSoil
23stmp°Csoil temperatureAvg.subbasin land areaSoil Temp.
24stm1°Cupper soil layer temperatureAvg.area of soil layerSoil Temp.
25stm2°Cmiddle soil layer temperatureAvg.area of soil layerSoil Temp.
26stm3°Clowest soil layer temperatureAvg.area of soil layerSoil Temp.
27resfcmobserved frost depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areamissing
28regwmobserved groundwater level, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areamissing
kg/km2pools of fastN in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool humusN in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool of inorg-N in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool of fastP in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool humusP in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool of partP in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool of SRP in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool humusC/fastC in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
kg/km2pool ON in soil layers 1 to 3Avg.area of soil layermissing
38cfsc-computed fractional snow cover areaAvg.subbasin land areamissing
39rfsc-recorded fractional snow cover area, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areamissing
40smaxmmcomputed snowmax in winterAvg.subbasin land areamissing
41rfse-recorded fractional snow cover area error, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areamissing
42rfsm-recorded fractional snow cover multi, provided in Xobs.txt :?:Avg.subbasin land areamissing
43rfme-recorded fractional snow cover multi error, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin land areamissing
44wcommwater level olake (for the last lakebasin this is the whole lake water level) at end of timestepAvg.outlet lake areamissing
45wcavmwater stage olake (for the last lakebasin this is the whole lake water level) average over timestepAvg.outlet lake areamissing
46wstrmobserved water level olake at the end of timestep, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.outlet lake areamissing
47coutm3/ssimulated outflow from olake/subcatchmentAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
48routm3/sobserved outflow from olake/subcatchment, provided in Qobs.txtAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
49colv106m3computed lake volume of simple olakes and outlets of basin lakes, where upstream lake basin volumes are included (zero for basin lakes which are not lake outlets, use clbv for volumes of those)Avg.outlet lake area, incl. upstream lake area for outlets of basin lakesmissing
50cilv106m3computed ilake volumeAvg.internal lake areamissing
51clbv106m3computed olake volume (volumes for individual basins if any)Avg.outlet lake areamissing
52coumm3/ssimulated outflow to main branchAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
53coubm3/ssimulated outflow to branchAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
54cgwlm3/ssimulated outflow from soil groundwater to regional groundwater (losses from subbasin)Avg.subbasin areamissing
55clocm3/slocal flow from subbasin to its main riverAvg.subbasin area without olake and main river (and floodplains)missing
56cinfm3/ssimulated flow to outlet lake (including P-E of the lake)Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
57rinfm3/sobserved flow to outlet lake (including P-E of the lake), provided in Xobs.txtAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
58clrvm3local watercourse volumeAvg.local river areamissing
59cmrvm3main watercourse volumeAvg.main river area (not including floodplain)missing
60qerrm3/sdaily error in Q (cout - rout)Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
61cobcm3/scout prior to updating of Q if update is madeAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
62wtmp°Cwater temperature in outflow from subbasinAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
63wtm0°Cwater temperature in outflow from subbasin, limited to above zeroAvg.subbasin upstream areamissing
64werrmdaily error in olake water stage (wcom - wstr)Avg.subbasin areamissing
65cwbcmcomputed olake water stage at the end of time step prior to updating if update is usedAvg.outlet lake areamissing
66colicmcomputed olake ice depthAvg.outlet lake areamissing
67cilicmcomputed ilake ice depthAvg.internal lake areamissing
68colbcmcomputed olake blackice depthAvg.outlet lake areamissing
69cilbcmcomputed ilake blackice depthAvg.internal lake areamissing
70colscmcomputed olake snow depthAvg.outlet lake areamissing
71cilscmcomputed ilake snow depthAvg.internal lake areamissing
72rolicmrecorded olake ice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.outlet lake areamissing
73rilicmrecorded ilake ice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.internal lake areamissing
74rolbcmrecorded olake blackice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.outlet lake areamissing
75rilbcmrecorded ilake blackice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.internal lake areamissing
76rolscmrecorded olake snow depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.outlet lake areamissing
77rilscmrecorded ilake snow depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.internal lake areamissing
78cmricmcomputed main river ice depthAvg.main river areamissing
79clricmcomputed local river ice depthAvg.local river areamissing
80cmrbcmcomputed main river blackice depthAvg.main river areamissing
81clrbcmcomputed local river blackice depthAvg.local river areamissing
82cmrscmcomputed main river snow depthAvg.main river areamissing
83clrscmcomputed local river snow depthAvg.local river areamissing
84rmricmrecorded main river ice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.main river areamissing
85rlricmrecorded local river ice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.local river areamissing
86rmrbcmrecorded main river blackice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.main river areamissing
87rlrbcmrecorded local river blackice depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.local river areamissing
88rmrscmrecorded main river snow depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.main river areamissing
89rlrscmrecorded local river snow depth, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.local river areamissing
90olst°Ccomputed olake surface temperatureAvg.outlet lake areamissing
91olut°Ccomputed olake upper temperatureAvg.outlet lake areamissing
92ollt°Ccomputed olake lower temperatureAvg.outlet lake areamissing
93olwt°Ccomputed olake mean temperatureAvg.outlet lake areamissing
94ilst°Ccomputed ilake surface temperatureAvg.internal lake areamissing
95ilwt°Ccomputed ilake mean temperatureAvg.internal lake areamissing
96lrst°Ccomputed local river surface temperatureAvg.local river areamissing
97lrwt°Ccomputed local river mean temperatureAvg.local river areamissing
98mrst°Ccomputed main river surface temperatureAvg.main river areamissing
99mrwt°Ccomputed main river mean temperatureAvg.main river areamissing
100rolt°Crecorded olake surface temperature, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.outlet lake areamissing
101rilt°Crecorded ilake surface temperature, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.internal lake areamissing
102rmrt°Crecorded main river surface temperature, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.main river areamissing
103mrto°Ccomputed main river temperature (old)Avg.main river areamissing
104lrto°Ccomputed local river temperature (old)Avg.local river areamissing
105ilto°Ccomputed ilake temperature (old)Avg.internal lake areamissing
106olto°Ccomputed olake temperature (old)Avg.outlet lake areamissing
107coic-computed olake ice coverAvg.outlet lake areamissing
108ciic-computed ilake ice coverAvg.internal lake areamissing
109cmic-computed main river ice coverAvg.main river areamissing
110clic-computed local stream ice coverAvg.local river areamissing
111glcvkm3glacier volumeAvg.glacier areamissing
112glcakm2glacier areaAvg.glacier areamissing
113lrdpmlocal river depthAvg.local river areamissing
114mrdpmmain river depthAvg.main river areamissing
115aqwlmaquifer depth to water levelAvg.subbasin areamissing
116cgmbmmcomputed glacier mass balanceAvg.specific glacier areamissing
117rgmbmmrecorded glacier mass balance, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.specific glacier areamissing
118cgmakm2area used in computed mass balanceAvg.specific glacier areamissing
119rgmakm2area used in recorded mass balance, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.specific glacier areamissing
120rgmpdaysrecorded mass balance period, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.nonemissing
121S105-recorded (FSUHSS) snow cover surrounding terrain open (fraction from 0 to 10), provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
122S106-recorded (FSUHSS) snow cover course open (fraction from 0 to 10), provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
123S108cmrecorded (FSUHSS) mean depth open, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
124S111g/cm3recorded (FSUHSS) mean density open, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
125S114mmrecorded (FSUHSS) snow water equivalent open, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
126S205-recorded (FSUHSS)snow cover surrounding terrain forest (fraction from 0 to 10), provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
127S206-recorded (FSUHSS) snow cover course forest (fraction from 0 to 10), provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
128S208cmrecorded (FSUHSS) mean depth forest, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
129S211g/cm3recorded (FSUHSS) mean density forest, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
130S214mmrecorded (FSUHSS) snow water equivalent forest, provided in Xobs.txtAvg.area of forest land covermissing
131C106-computed snow cover open (fraction from 0 to 10)Avg.area of non-forest land covermissing
132C108cmcomputed mean depth openAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
133C111g/cm3computed mean density openAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
134C114mmcomputed snow water equivalent openAvg.area of non-forest land covermissing
135C206-computed snow cover forest (fraction from 0 to 10)Avg.area of forest land covermissing
136C208cmcomputed mean depth forestAvg.area of forest land covermissing
137C211g/cm3comp. mean density forestAvg.area of forest land covermissing
138C214mmcomputed snow water equivalent forestAvg.area of forest land covermissing
139coT1µU/Lsimulated concentration of tracer T1 in local runoff from soil, unit dependent on substance simulatedW. Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
140coT2°Csimulated water temperature of local runoff from soilW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
µg/Lsimulated concentration of N and P species in local runoff from soilW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
142reT1µU/Lobserved concentration of tracer T1 in outflow from olake/subbasin, unit dependent on substance simulated, values provided in Xobs.txtW. Avg.subbasin upstream areatracer T1
143reT2°Cobserved water temperature in outflow from olake/subbasin, provided in Xobs.txt (average based on recorded flow if present)W. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
µg/Lobserved concentration of N and P species in outflow from olake/subbasin, provided in Xobs.txt (average based on recorded flow if present)W. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
145cpT1µU/Lobserved concentration of tracer T1 in precipitation, unit user-provided, values provided in Xobs.txtW. Avg.subbasin areatracer T1
146ceT1µU/Lsimulated concentration of tracer T1 in evapotranspiration, unit dependent on substance simulatedW. Avg.subbasin areatracer T1
147csT1µU/Lsimulated concentration of tracer T1 in the soil water, unit dependent on substance simulatedW. Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
148csT2°Csimulated water temperature in the soilW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
149csINµg/Lsimulated concentration of IN in the soil, this differs from coXX variables in that the weights are different for soil water concentration averages and runoff concentration averagesW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
150ccT1µU/Lsimulated concentration of tracer T1 in outflow from outlet lake/main river, unit dependent on substance simulatedW. Avg.subbasin upstream areatracer T1
151ccT2°Csimulated water temperature in outflow from outlet lake/subbasinW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
µg/Lsimulated concentration of N and P species in outflow from outlet lake/subbasinW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
153coOCmg/Lsimulated OC concentration in runoff from soilW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
154csOCmg/Lsimulated OC concentration in soilW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
155ccOCmg/Lsimulated OC concentration in outflow from olake/subbasinW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
156reOCmg/Lobserved OC concentration in outflow from olake/subbasin, provided in Xobs.txtW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
157clCOmg/Lsimulated OC concentration in local flow from subbasinW. Avg.subbasin area without olake and main river (and floodplains)missing
µg/Lsimulated concentration in local flow from subbasinW. Avg.subbasin area without olake and main river (and floodplains)missing
159precmm/[period]precipitation as provided in Pobs.txt/Pobs_nnn.txtSumsubbasin areamissing
160cprcmm/[period]corrected precipitationSumsubbasin areamissing
161cpSFmm/[period]corrected precipitation that falls as snowSumsubbasin areamissing
162cpRFmm/[period]corrected precipitation that falls as rainSumsubbasin areamissing
163evapmm/[period]evapotranspirationSumsubbasin areamissing
164epotmm/[period]potential evapotranspirationSumsubbasin areamissing
165repomm/[period]observed potential evapotranspiration, provided in Xobs.txtSumsubbasin areamissing
166eobsmm/[period]observed evapotranspiration, provided in Xobs.txtSumsubbasin areamissing
167icpemm/[period]losses due to interception (simulated as precipitation corrections)Sumsubbasin areamissing
168evsnmm/[period]snow and glacier evaporation (Note that evsn is included in evap, which still is the total evaporation from the subbasin)Sumsubbasin areamissing
169levpmm/[period]land evapotranspirationSumsubbasin land areamissing
170crunmm/[period]calculated local runoff from land area. Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumsubbasin land areamissing
171rrunmm/[period]observed local runoff from land area, provided in Xobs.txtSumsubbasin land areamissing
mm/[period]simulated runoff from soil layers 1 to 3. Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumarea of soil layermissing
173crodmm/[period]simulated runoff from tile drains. Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumsubbasin land areamissing
174crosmm/[period]simulated surface runoff (ros1+ros2). Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumsubbasin land areamissing
175ros1mm/[period]simulated saturated surface runoff. Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumsubbasin land areamissing
176ros2mm/[period]simulated surface runoff due to excess infiltration. Note that this is not the same as the flow to the local stream if floodplains are used.Sumsubbasin land areamissing
177acdfmm/[period]accumulated volume errorSumsubbasin upstream areamissing
kg/[period]total simulated nutrient or organic carbon load out from subbasinSumsubbasin upstream areamissing
179denikg/km2[period]denitrification in soilSumsubbasin land areamissing
180crutkg/km2[period]N crop uptakeSumsubbasin land areamissing
181faINkg/km2[period]flow of fastN to IN poolSumsubbasin land areamissing
kg/km2[period]atmospheric deposition of IN/TP on landSumsubbasin land areamissing
kg/[period]total recorded nutrient load out from subbasin (based on recorded flow)Sumsubbasin upstream areamissing
184irram3/[period]applied irrigation water to the soilSumarea of irrigated SLCsmissing
185irldm3/[period]abstractions from local dam(s)Sumnonemissing
186irlrm3/[period]abstractions from local riverSumnonemissing
187irrgm3/[period]abstractions from local groundwaterSumnonemissing
188irrsm3/[period]surface water abstractions sent to other connected subbasins from this subbasinSumnonemissing
189irelm3/[period]evaporation losses due to irrigationSumarea of irrigated SLCsmissing
kg/[period]recorded load calculated on computed flow out from subbasinSumsubbasin upstream areamissing
191aqinm3/[period]aquifer rechargeSumsubbasin areamissing
192aqutm3/[period]aquifer outflowSummain river areamissing
193speqmm/[period]specific discharge (replaces upro)Sumsubbasin upstream areamissing
194cpINµg/Lobserved concentration of inorganic nitrogen in precipitation, provided in Xobs.txtW. Avg.subbasin areamissing
195cpSPµg/Lobserved concentration of soluble phosphorus in precipitation, provided in Xobs.txtW. Avg.subbasin areamissing
196clwcmolake water stage (wcom) cleaned fromw0ref reference levelAvg.outlet lake areamissing
197clwsmobserved water stage (wstr) cleaned from w0ref reference levelAvg.outlet lake areamissing
198evptmm/[period]total evapotranspiration, including “interception losses”Sumsubbasin areamissing
199psimmm/[period]precipitation including water that will be removed as “interception losses”Sumsubbasin areamissing
200sl01kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
201sl02kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
202sl03kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
203sl04kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
204sl05kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
205sl06kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
206sl07kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
207sl08kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
208sl09kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
209sl10kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
210sl11kggross load of soil layer 1 and 2 of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
211sl12kgnet load of soil layer 1 and 2 of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
212sl13kggross load of soil layer 3 of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
213sl14kgnet load of soil layer 3 of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
214sl15kggross load of soil layer 3 of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
215sl16kgnet load of soil layer 3 of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
216sl17kggross load of soil layer 3 of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
217sl18kgnet load of soil layer 3 of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
218sl19kggross load of soil layer 3 of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
219sl20kgnet load of soil layer 3 of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
220sl21kggross load of soil layer 3 of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
221sl22kgnet load of soil layer 3 of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
222sl23kggross load of soil layer 3 of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
223sl24kgnet load of soil layer 3 of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
224sl25kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
225sl26kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of inorganic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
226sl27kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
227sl28kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of organic nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
228sl29kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
229sl30kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of total nitrogenSumsubbasin areaSoil load
230sl31kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
231sl32kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of SRPSumsubbasin areaSoil load
232sl33kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
233sl34kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of particulate phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
234sl35kggross load of soil layer 3 + tile of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
235sl36kgnet load of soil layer 3 + tile of total phosphorusSumsubbasin areaSoil load
236den3kgdenitrification soil layer 3Sumsubbasin areamissing
237denzkgdenitrification soil layer 1 and 2Sumsubbasin areamissing
238cIN1µg/Lsimulated concentration of IN in soil layer 1W. Avg.area of soil layermissing
239cIN2µg/Lsimulated concentration of IN in soil layer 2W. Avg.area of soil layermissing
240cIN3µg/Lsimulated concentration of IN in soil layer 3W. Avg.area of soil layermissing
241sml9mmsoil moisture upper soil layer (including standing water)Avg.area of soil layermissing
242mrfpmmain river floodplain water depthAvg.floodplain areaFloodplain
243olfpmoutlet lake floodplain water depthAvg.floodplain areaFloodplain
244mrfg%main river floodplain degree of flooded area (% of floodplain area)Avg.floodplain areaFloodplain
245olfg%outlet lake floodplain degree of flooded area (% of floodplain area)Avg.floodplain areaFloodplain
246sdeng/cm3snow densityAvg.subbasin land areaSnow
247meltmm/[period]snow meltSumsubbasin land areaSnow
248roumm3/sobserved outflow from olake outlet 1Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
249roubm3/sobserved outflow from olake outlet 2Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
250aT11µU/km2simulated pool of adsorbed T1 in soil layer 1Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
251aT12µU/km2simulated pool of adsorbed T1 in soil layer 2Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
252aT13µU/km2simulated pool of adsorbed T1 in soil layer 3Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
253sT11µU/km2simulated pool of T1 in soil water in soil layer 1Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
254sT12µU/km2simulated pool of T1 in soil water in soil layer 2Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
255sT13µU/km2simulated pool of T1 in soil water in soil layer 3Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
256TsmrUsimulated pool of T1 in main river sedimentAvg.main river area (not including floodplain)tracer T1
257TslrUsimulated pool of T1 in local river sedimentAvg.local river areatracer T1
258T1sfµU/km2simulated pool of T1 above soilAvg.subbasin land areatracer T1
259clT1µU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in flow of local riverW. Avg.subbasin area without olake and main river (and floodplains)tracer T1
260Tcr1µU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in runoff from soil layer 1W. Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
261Tcr2µU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in runoff from soil layer 2W. Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
262Tcr3µU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in runoff from soil layer 3W. Avg.area of soil layertracer T1
263TcrdµU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in tile runoffW. Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
264TcrsµU/Lsimulated concentration of T1 in surface runoffW. Avg.subbasin land areatracer T1
265coSSmg/Lcomputed suspended sediment concentration in runoffW. Avg.subbasin land areamissing
266ccSSmg/Lcomputed suspended sediment concentration in lake outflowW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
267reSSmg/Lrecorded suspended sediment concentration in lake outflowW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
268ccAEmg-N/Lcomputed algae concentration in lake outflowW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
269ccTSmg/Lcomputed total suspended sediment concentration in lake outflowW. Avg.subbasin upstream areamissing
270xom0..9depends on variable typeobservations of not predefined variable (to be averaged over output time interval) provided in Xobs.txt or XobsXOMn.txtAvg.depends on variable typemissing
271xos0..9depends on variable typeobservations of not predefined variable (to be summed over output time interval) provided in Xobs.txt or XobsXOSn.txtSumdepends on variable typemissing
272dwtrm3/sdemanded water transfer flowAvg.-missing
273rpwlmmain river floodplain water levelAvg.floodplain areaFloodplain
274lpwlmoutlet lake floodplain water levelAvg.floodplain areaFloodplain
275gmltmm/[period]glacier meltSumglacier slc areamissing

Table of upstream variables that have different unit compared to the subbasin variable.

New variable ID Unit Description Value Subbasin unit
upcolvmmlake volume of simple olakes and basin lakes spread over upstream areaAvg.106m3
upcilvmmlake volume of ilakes spread over upstream areaAvg.106m3
upclbvmmlake volume of olakes and individual lake basins spread over upstream areaAvg.106m3
upclrvmmlocal watercourse volume spread over upstream areaAvg.m3
upcmrvmmmain watercourse volume spread over upstream areaAvg.m3
upglcvmmglacier volume spread over upstream areaAvg.km3
upglca-glacier area, fraction of upstream areaAvg.km2
upirramm/[period]applied irrigation water to the soilSumm3/[period]
upirldmm/[period]abstractions from local dam(s) spread over upstream areaSumm3/[period]
upirlrmm/[period]abstractions from local river spread over upstream areaSumm3/[period]
upirrgmm/[period]abstractions from local groundwater spread over upstream areaSumm3/[period]
upirrsmm/[period]abstractions from surface water spread over upstream areaSumm3/[period]
upirelmm/[period]evaporation losses due to irrigation spread over upstream areaSumm3/[period]

Table of removed HYPE variables IDs, and what variable is replacing them.

Old ID New variable ID Unit Description Value
upsnupsnowmmupstream catchment average snow waterAvg.
upsoupsoimmmupstream catchment average soil waterAvg.
upprupcprcmm/[period]upstream catchment average precipitation, corrected precipitation if correction is usedSum
upevupevapmm/[period]upstream catchment average evaporationSum
uppeupepotmm/[period]upstream catchment average potential evaporationSum
uprospeqmm/[period]specific dischargeSum
upsfupcpsfmm/[period]upstream catchment average snowfall, corrected snowfall if correction is usedSum
uprfupcprfmm/[period]upstream catchment average rainfall, corrected rainfall if correction is usedSum
upsdupsmdfmm/[period]upstream average soil deficit to field capacity for upper two soil layersSum
upfpupsmfp-upstream soil moisture as fraction of pore volume (not including standing water)Avg.
upmeupmeltmm/[period]average upstream snow meltSum
upteupctmp°Caverage upstream corrected air temperatureAvg.
start/hype_file_reference/info.txt/variables.1515747719.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)