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This file contains lake properties for outlet lakes with specific data available. Properties defined here override the properties and generic parameters given in GeoData.txt and par.txt. If you want to use a generic parameter from par.txt for a particular lake in LakeData.txt, use -9999 as parameter value for that lake in LakeData.txt. Lake depth from GeoData.txt may also be kept by using -9999 for the value in LakeData.txt. Lake properties include physical characteristics, e.g. depth, and outlet rating curve, regulation routine parameters, and parameters concerning nutrient cycling within the lake. In LakeData.txt, two regulation regimes can be defined; constant flow and seasonally varying sinus-wave shaped flow. For more regulation options, use DamData.txt, which extends the regulation options provided here.

Outlet lakes in HYPE can cover a fraction of a sub-basin or the whole sub-basin. Large lake systems can be split into several sub-basins themselves (lake basins), which allows for different properties in different lake basins. Outlet flows for such lakes are then defined in an additional entry in LakeData.txt, see variable and column LdType in table below.

LakeData.txt is a tab-separated file located in the modeldir folder. Lakes and lake basins are listed row-wise. The first row contains a column header with variable names. Variable names are not case-sensitive (max. 10 characters, no spaces). Columns with headings unknown to HYPE are skipped while reading the file, but must not longer than ten characters. Columns containing character strings, e.g. descriptive meta-data, must not exceed a length of 100 characters. The columns may be in any order. A value must exist for all columns which cannot be alternatively defined in par.txt, see column description in table below.

Example snippet of a LakeData.txt file structure, showing an unregulated single basin lake, and a regulated lake with two lake basins:

         1      0      1        3.6  5000  7.67      0      0      0   40   2 ...
         0      1      2        7.2 34000 21.94   13.5    401    200  155 0.3 ...
         2      1      3        6.9  4000     0      0      0      0    0   0 ...
         3      1      4          5 30000     0      0      0      0    0   0 ...
       ...    ...    ...        ...   ...   ...    ...    ...    ...  ... ... ...

The table below describes all LakeData.txt columns read by HYPE.

Variable ID Unit Type LdType Description
lakedataid-general1/3/4lake/lake basin ID (integer), used to connect lakes/lake basins to subbasins in GeoData.txt (mandatory)
lakeid-general2/3/4lake ID (integer), used to connect lake basins to multi-basin lakes. Unique integer, 0 for simple outlet lakes (ldtype = 1)
ldtype-generalallcode for lake data type, integer (mandatory):
1 - simple outlet lake
2 - multi-basin lake, i.e. covering several HYPE sub-basins, generic lake/outflow properties
3 - upstream lake basin of a multi-basin lake
4 - last/outlet lake basin of a multi-basin lake
lake_depthmphysical propertyallwater depth below threshold for outlet lake (mean depth), can also be defined in GeoData.txt (must be > 0)
aream2physical propertyalllake or lake basin area, used for multi-basin lakes and to check which fraction of the sub-basin is covered by the outlet lake for simple outlet lakes (compared with SLC class fraction in GeoData.txt), mandatory for ldtype = 2
w0refmgeneral1/2reference water level to be added to simulated water level before print out, for lake outflow threshold
ratem2/time stepgeneral/regulation1/2parameter for specific rating curve of unregulated lakes or for spillway flow of regulated lakes above threshold (w0ref), equation q = rate (w - w0)exp
exp-general/regulation1/2parameter for specific rating curve of unregulated lakes or for spillway flow of regulated lakes above threshold (w0ref), equationq = rate (w - w0)exp
deltaw0mregulation1/2difference in lake threshold for regulation with two rating curves (m). Determines the lake threshold for regulation period 2 (w0=w0ref + deltaw0), see qprod1 and qprod2
qprod1m3/sregulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, constant production flow down to lowest allowed waterstage for regulation period 1
qprod2m3/sregulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, constant production flow down to lowest allowed waterstage for regulation period 2
datum1-regulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, start of regulation period 1 (if not defined only one period is used) (4 character month-day string mmdd)
datum2-regulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, start of regulation period 2 (4 character month-day string mmdd)
qamp-regulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, seasonally varying flow in regulated volume. Variation defined in form of a sinus wave with this amplitude (as fraction of current qprod), where the minimum of the sinus wave occurs for day number qpha
qpha-regulation1/2parameter for regulated olake, seasonally varying flow below the threshold. day number for the minimum of the sinus wave. Default is qpha = 102.
regvol106 m3regulation1/2regulation volume for general regulation routine. Determines lowest water stage for production flow (wmin). (must be less than lake depth * lake area)
wampmregulation1/2regulation amplitude. Usually larger than water depth given by regvol. Used for scaling output water stage (wcom) to larger variation than given by regvol. Set to -9999 for not to use.
prodppm/dnutrient cycling1/3/4parameter for internal load of Part-P
prodspm/dnutrient cycling1/3/4parameter for internal load of SRP (m/d)
Qmeanmm/yphysical property1/3/4initial value for calculation of mean flow, can also be defined in par.txt
tpmeanmg/lnutrient cycling1/3/4mean concentration of total P, used for production if P is not simulated. Also used as initial value of particulate P concentration in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
tnmeanmg/lnutrient cycling1/3/4mean concentration of total N (mg/l), used as initial value N concentration in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
tocmeanmg/lnutrient cycling1/3/4mean concentration of TOC (mg/l), used as initial value of TOC concentration in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
limqprod-regulation1/3/4parameter for water level below which there is reduced production flow from a dam (fraction of regulating volume), the flow reduction is linear to wmin (lowest water stage for production flow). Can also be defined in par.txt
sedonm/dnutrient cycling1/3/4sedimentation rate for ON in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
sedppm/dnutrient cycling1/3/4sedimentation rate for PP in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
sedocm/dnutrient cycling1/3/4sedimentation rate for OC in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
wprodnkg/(m3 d)nutrient cycling1/3/4production/degradation in water for N. Can also be defined in par.txt
wprodpkg/(m3 d)nutrient cycling1/3/4production/degradation in water for P. Can also be defined in par.txt
wprodckg/(m3 d)nutrient cycling1/3/4production/degradation in water for C. Can also be defined in par.txt.
denitwlkg/(m2 d)nutrient cycling1/3/4parameter for denitrification in lakes. Can also be defined in par.txt
deeplake-physical property1/3/4fraction of the lake's initial volume which is considered as slow (SLP), between 0 and 1. 0 means that the lake is not divided into a slow and a fast part. Can also be defined in par.txt
fastlake-physical property1/3/4fraction of lake outflow that comes from the fast lake part (FLP), between 0 and 1. Can also be defined in par.txt
start/hype_file_reference/lakedata.txt.1473262723.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)