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Model parameters determine the function of the model. The model parameters are given in the file par.txt. A model parameter may have a dependency on some physical property, e.g. soil type, or a spatial division of the model domain or be a general value for the whole model domain. If a parameter is dependent on e.g. a property it will have one value for each code of that property. For instance if a model has two land uses, open and forest land, snow melt rate will have a (different) value for each open and forest land because the HYPE snow melt parameter is land use dependent.

Many model parameters are coefficients in the modelled processes, others define properties of the model domain. For example evapotranspiration depend on model parameters for the potential rate (land use dependent) and on the water holding capacity of the soil (soil type dependent). There are also parameters that set the initial stores or flows to a general value.

Most model parameters can be calibrated. A few parameters are switches for model options. These can't be calibrated. Model parameters, which also can be given in LakeData for specific lakes, can only be calibrated for lakes with the parameter set to missing value in LakeData.txt.

There are also model parameters specially designed to be calibrated. They are correction parameters (sometimes called super parameters), often dependent on a larger region, that adjust the model in some general way. Some of them can simultanouely adjust several processes (this is e.g. the case for nutrients). Others correct input data (precipitation and temperature).

The following dependencies exist for HYPE model parameters;

  • general, i.e. no dependency
  • land use (land cover), a code given for each SLC class
  • soil type, a code given for each SLC class
  • month
  • parameter region (parreg), a user defined grouping of subbasins into larger regions
  • water quality parameter region (wqparreg), a user defined grouping of subbasins into larger regions, used for some WQ parameters
  • lake region, a user defined grouping of subbasins into larger regions, used for some lake and river parameters
  • ilake region, a user defined grouping of subbasins into larger regions, used for some ilake parameters
  • olake region, a user defined grouping of subbasins into larger regions, used for some olake parameters

File content

The file is located in the modeldir folder. One parameter is given per row with parameter name first and then values for all dependencies or one value for a general parameter. A single value may not take up more than 10 positions. Comment rows are allowed anywhere in the file and start with a double exclamation mark !! followed by a blank (no empty lines allowed). In-line comments may crash the simulation. Note: If you import (and later export) a par.txt file into R using the HYPEtools package, in-line comments are moved to separate rows. The parameter names are not case sensitive, but some are written partly with capital letters to ease the interpretation. The default value is zero for all parameters except five glacier parameters for density and area-volume relationship.

Example snippet of a par.txt file structure:

!! water content for 11 soil types (defined in GeoClass.txt)
wcfc  0.100 0.120 0.120 0.050 0.250 0.250 0.150 0.050 0.500 0.500 0.050
!! threshold temperature for 2 land uses (defined in GeoClass.txt)
ttmp  0.0   0.0
!! potential evaporation limit, a general parameter 
lp    0.8

The table below describes all available model parameters. Unit '-' mean the parameter is dimensionless. Unit ts means time step, which can be day or hour or of some other length. The general unit (U) is used in case of parameters and input data where the unit is not defined.

Name Unit Dependency Description Link
wcfc - soil type fraction of soil available for evapotranspiration but not for runoff, same for all soil layers (used if wcfc1 not given) soil water
wcwp - soil type wilting point as a fraction, same for all soil layers (used if wcwp1 not given) soil water
wcep - soil type effective porosity as a fraction, same for all soil layers (used if wcep1 not given) soil water
wcfc1 - soil type fraction of soil available for evapotranspiration but not for runoff, for uppermost soil layer soil water
wcwp1 - soil type wilting point as a fraction, for uppermost soil layer soil water
wcep1 - soil type effective porosity as a fraction, for uppermost soil layer soil water
wcfc2 - soil type fraction of soil available for evapotranspiration but not for runoff, for second soil layer soil water
wcwp2 - soil type wilting point as a fraction, for second soil layer soil water
wcep2 - soil type effective porosity as a fraction, for second soil layer soil water
wcfc3 - soil type fraction of soil available for evapotranspiration but not for runoff, for lowest soil layer soil water
wcwp3 - soil type wilting point as a fraction, for lowest soil layer soil water
wcep3 - soil type effective porosity as a fraction, for lowest soil layer soil water
mperc1 mm ts-1 soil type maximum percolation capacity from soil layer 1 to soil layer 2 percolation
mperc2 mm ts-1 soil type maximum percolation capacity from soil layer 2 to soil layer 3 percolation
cmlt mm °C-1 ts-1 land use melting parameter for snow snow melt
cmltcorr - parreg correctionfactor for melting parameter for snow (cmlt=cmlt*(1+cmltcorr)) snow melt
ttmp °C land use threshold temperature for snow melt, snow density and evapotranspiration snow melt snowfall PET
ttpd °C general deviation from ttmp for threshold temperature for snow-/rainfall snowfall
ttpi °C general half of temperature interval with mixed snow- and rainfall. Interval is (ttmp+ttpd) +/- ttpi. snow melt snowfall
cevp mm °C-1 ts-1 land use evapotranspiration parameter PET
t1evap - general evaporation factor for substance T1 (0-1), default is 0, if 1 the substance evaporates with the water tracer T1
frost cm °C-1 or - land use frost depth parameter (both frost and sfrost must be >0 for simulation to occur) frost
sfrost - or cm °C-1 soil type frost depth parameter (both frost and sfrost must be >0 for simulation to occur) frost
deepmem d general deep soil temperature memory soil temp
surfmem d land use upper soil layer soil temperature memory soil temp
depthrel m-1 land use depth relation for soil temperature memory soil temp
rrcs1 ts-1 soil type recession coefficient for uppermost soil layer runoff
rrcs2 ts-1 soil type recession coefficient for lowest soil layer runoff
rrcs3 ts-1 %-1 general recession coefficient for slope dependence (upper layer) runoff
srrcs ts-1 land use recession coefficient for surface runoff (fraction), should be set to 1 for lake and riverclasses with floodplains surface runoff
trrcs ts-1 soil type recession coefficient for tile drains tile runoff
rrcscorr - parreg correction factor for recession rrcs=rrcs(1+rrcscorr) for rrcs1,rrcs2,trrcs and srrcs runoff tile runoff surface runoff
cevpam - general amplitude of sinus function (about 1) that corrects potential evapotranspiration. PET
cevpph d general phase of sinus function that corrects potential evapotranspiration PET
cevpcorr - parreg correction factor for evapotranspiration cevap=evap(1+cevpcorr) PET
lp - general factor for calculating the soil water limit for potential evapotranspiration evap
gratk - general parameter of rating curve for lake outflow Q=gratk*(w-w0)^gratp rating curve
gratp - general parameter of rating curve for lake outflow Q=gratk*(w-w0)^gratp rating curve
grata - general upstream area dependence of discharge curve for lake, if grata>0 and uparea>0 Q=(gratk*(uparea)^grata)*(w-w0)^gratp rating curve
limqprod - general limit for water stage with reduced production flow from dam (fraction of regulating volume) (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) dam
w0adjdays days general number of days over which a change in seasonal threshold for regulation with two rating curves is to take place (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) dam
krelflood - general factor for increased production flow from flood control dam dam
kthrflood - general factor for flow threshold for increased production flow from flood control dam dam
klowflood - general factor for water level threshold with production flow from flood control dam equal to inflow dam
rivvel m s-1 general celerity of flood in watercourse (rivvel>0) river
damp - general fraction of delay in the watercourse which also causes damping river
deadl m2 km-2 general parameter to calculate the dead volume in the local watercourse river
deadm m2 km-2 general parameter to calculate the dead volume in the main watercourse river
tcalt °C (100m)-1 general parameter for temperature’s elevation dependence, uses SLC’s deviation from subbasin mean height (=0.6°C/100m) temp
tempcorr °C parreg correction parameter for temperature temp
tcelevadd °C (100m)-1 general parameter for temperature’s elevation dependence, uses subbasin mean height temp
tcobselev °C (100m)-1 general parameter for temperature correction due to observation elevation deviation from subbasin elevation temp
monthlapse °C (100m)-1 month alternative parameter for temperature correction with elevation, monthly temperature lapse rate (positive when decresasing with elevation, same as tcalt and tcelevadd) temp
pcaddg - general correction parameter for precipitation prec
pcurain - general undercatch correction for rainfall, rainfall = rainfall * (1+pcurain). The correction is applied at the observation level, before using any elevation corrections to basin mean elevation or class specific elevations. Since the snowfall threshold temperature is landuse specific, the correction is weighted depending on the areal fractions of the landuse classes. The same applies to the pcusnow parameter
pcusnow - general undercatch correction for snowfall, snowfall = snowfall*(1+pcusnow). See notes for pcurain.
pcluse - land use correction factor for precipitation prec=prec(1-pcluse) prec
pcelevadd (100m)-1 general correction parameter for precipitation (per 100 m elevation > pcelevth) prec
pcelevth m general elevation above which the precipitation correction pcelevadd is used prec
pcelevmax - general maximum for height dependent precipitation correction prec
pcelevstd (100m)-1 general correction parameter for precipitation (per 100 m of elevation standard deviation) prec
preccorr - parreg correction factor for precipitation prec=prec(1+preccorr) prec
gldepi m general depth for all ilakes lake
denitrlu d-1 land use parameter for denitrification rate in soil denitrif
denitrlu3 d-1 land use denitrification rate in third soil layer, replaces denitrlu if set to >= 0. If only used for some land use classes, set to -1 for all other. denitrif
degradhp d-1 land use decay of humus to fastP NP soil
degradhn d-1 land use decay of humus to fastN NP soil
minerfn d-1 land use mineralisation of fastN to inorganic N NP soil
minerfp d-1 land use mineralisation of fastP to SRP NP soil
dissolfp d-1 land use decay of fastP to dissolved PP NP soil
dissolfn d-1 land use decay of fastN to dissolved organic N NP soil
dissolhp d-1 land use decay of humusP to dissolved PP NP soil
dissolhn d-1 land use decay of humusN to dissolved organic N NP soil
wprodn kg m-3 d-1 general production/decay of N in water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP river lake
wprodp kg m-3 d-1 general production/decay of P in water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP river lake
wprodc kg m-3 d-1 general production/decay of OC in water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) C river lake
hsatTP mg L-1 general half saturation concentration of TP for production and mineralisation in surface water NP river lake C river lake
hsatINs mg L-1 general half saturation concentration of IN for denitrification in soil denitrif
hsatINw mg L-1 general half saturation concentration of IN for denitrification in surface water denitrif
denitwrl kg m-2 d-1 general parameter for denitrification in local watercourse denitrif
denitwrm kg m-2 d-1 general parameter for denitrification in main watercourse denitrif
denitwl kg m-2 d-1 general parameter for denitrification in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) denitrif
sedon m ts-1 general sedimentation rate of ON in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP lake
sedpp m ts-1 general sedimentation rate of PP in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP lake
sedexp - general parameter for sedimentation/resuspension in watercourses (default model) P river S river
qbank - general factor for sedimentation/resuspension in watercourses (sedresusp model 1) S river
vpeak - general adjustment factor for peak velocity across channel used in sediment and resuspension model 2 S river
suspconSS kg L-1 (m/s)-1 general coefficient for maximum suspended concentration of SS in sediment and resuspension model 2 S river suspexpSS - general exponent for maximum suspended concentration of SS in sediment and resuspension model 2 S river
suspconPP kg L-1 (m/s)-1 general coefficient for maximum suspended concentration of PP in sediment and resuspension model 2 P river suspexpPP - general exponent for maximum suspended concentration of PP in sediment and resuspension model 2 P river
suspconT1 U L-1 (m/s)-1 general coefficient for maximum suspended concentration of T1 in sediment and resuspension model 2 T1 river suspexpT1 - general exponent for maximum suspended concentration of SS in sediment and resuspension model 2 T1 river
suspch - general river channel erodability/vegetation cover modification factor (0-1) of resuspension for sediment and resuspension model 2 S river
addsusp - general fraction of sediment in excess of temporary pool that can be resuspended in river for sediment and resuspension model 2 S river
limsedON mg L-1 general concentration of ON deducted from conc in water when sedimentation is calculated. This should represent the dissolved organic nitrogen. NP lake
limsedPP mg L-1 general concentration of PP deducted from concentration in water when sedimentation is calculated. This concentration is also deducted from the mean TP concentration when calculating half-saturation factor in the mineralization/production routine. NP lake NP lake C river lake
muptn kg m-2 d-1 general macrophyte uptake of IN in lake water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP lake
muptp kg m-2 d-1 general macrophyte uptake of SP in lake water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) NP lake
muptdep m general macrophyte uptake production depth in lake NP lake
muptnriv kg m-2 d-1 general macrophyte uptake of IN in river water NP river
muptpriv kg m-2 d-1 general macrophyte uptake of SP in river water NP river
muptdepriv m general macrophyte uptake production depth in river NP river
humusN0 mg m-3 land use starting concentration of humusN soil pool NP soil
humusP0 mg m-3 land use starting concentration of humusP soil pool NP soil
fastN0 mg m-3 general starting concentration of fastN soil pool NP soil
partP0 mg m-3 land use starting concentration of partP soil pool NP soil
fastP0 mg m-3 general starting concentration of fastP soil pool NP soil
occonc0 mg L-1 land use starting value, organic carbon concentration in soil
onconc0 mg L-1 land use starting value, organic nitrogen concentration in soil NP soil
ppconc0 mg L-1 land use starting value, particulate phosphorus concentration in soil NP soil
onpercred - land use reduction of ON concentration during percolation NP perc
pppercred - land use reduction of PP concentration during percolation NP perc
pPhalf m land use half depth for partP soil pool NP soil
hPhalf m land use half depth for humusP soil pool NP soil
hNhalf m land use half depth for humusN soil pool NP soil
iniT1 µU L-1 general starting value in soil, concentration T1 tracer T1
iniT1sw µU L-1 general starting value in surface water, concentration T1 tracer T1
iniT2 °C general starting value in soil, T2 (temperature) tracer T2
freuc kg-1 soil type parameter in Freundlich equation (coefficient) P soil
freuexp - soil type parameter in Freundlich equation (exponent) P soil
freurate d-1 soil type parameter that steers adsorption/desorption speed P soil
locsoil - general fraction of emission from rural waste water that is emitted to directly to the lowest soil layer (rest goes to the local watercourse). Used if not set in GeoData.txt. rural
drydeppp kg km-2 ts-1 land use dry deposition of PP deposition
wetdepsp µg L-1 general wet deposition of SP deposition
wetdepspl kg km-2 ts-1 general wet deposition of SP on water surfaces deposition
aloadconst - general status to keep wet deposition load constant if precipitation is corrected (if set to 1, 0 is default) deposition
ponatm - land use correction factor for atmospheric deposition of IN, fraction that goes to fastN-pool instead deposition
srrate - soil type fraction for surface runoff surface runoff
macrate - soil type fraction for macro-pore flow macropore
mactrinf mm ts-1 soil type threshold for macro-pore flow macropore
mactrsm - soil type threshold soil water for macro-pore flow and surface runoff (fraction of wcwp+wcfc i uppermost layer) macropore and surface runoff
soilcoh kPa soil type characteristic of soil for calculation of soil erosion (cohesion) erosion
soilerod g J-1 soil type characteristic of soil for calculation of soil erosion (erodibility) erosion
epotdist m-1 general coefficient in exponential function for potential evapotranspiration's depth dependency PET
qmean mm yr-1 general initial value for calculation of mean flow (can also be defined in LakeData.txt)
tpmean mg L-1 lake region mean TP level in lakes, used for production if P not simulated, used also as starting value for concentration of particulate P in lakes. Can also be defined in LakeData.txt NP lake
tnmean mg L-1 lake region mean TN level i lakes, used as starting value for concentration of organic N in lakes. Can also be defined in LakeData.txt
rivvel1 - lake region parameter for calculation of velocity of the water in the watercourse river
rivvel2 - lake region parameter for calculation of velocity of the water in the watercourse river
rivvel3 - lake region parameter for calculation of velocity of the water in the watercourse river
rivwidth1 - lake region parameter for calculation of the width of the watercourse river
rivwidth2 - lake region parameter for calculation of the width of the watercourse river
rivwidth3 - lake region parameter for calculation of the width of the watercourse river
maxwidth m general parameter for limitation of width of the watercourse river
sreroexp - general exponent in the equation for calculation of soil erosion caused by surface runoff erosion
pprelmax mm ts-1 general parameter for delay of SS and PP from surface runoff and tile drains erosion
pprelexp - general parameter for delay of SS and PP from surface runoff and tile drains erosion
bufffilt - land use filtration of PartP with surface runoff through the buffer zone (fraction that slips through), 0 for land-uses where this is irrelevant erosion
innerfilt - land use filtration of PartP with surface runoff from agricultural land far from watercourse (fraction that slips through), 0 for land-uses where this is irrelevant erosion
otherfilt - land use filtration of PartP with surface runoff from other land types than agricultural land (fraction that slips through), 0 for land-uses where this is irrelevant erosion
macrofilt - soil type filtration (retention) of PartP with macropore flow (fraction) erosion
sdnsnew g cm-3 general density of new-fallen snow (former snowdens0) snow snow melt
snowdensdt g cm-3 ts-1 general increase of snow density per day snow
sdnsmax g cm-3 general maximum snow density snow
sdnsrate ts-1 general increase of snow density per timestep snow
sdnsradd ts-1 general additional increase of snow density per timestep for warm days snow
snkika m land use snow heat model, relation between snow thermal conductivity and surface heat exchange coefficient, unit is in meters, values in the range 10-100 approximately. snow melt
whcsnow - general water holding capacity of snow, typical value 0.08. snow
fertdays d general number of days that fertiliser applications occur counting from application day 1 and forward using the same amount every day fertilizer
litterdays d general number of days that plant residuals are applied counting from application day 1 and forward using the same amount every day
humusc1 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for humusC pool in soil’s uppermost soil layer C soil
fastc1 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for fastC pool in soil’s uppermost soil layer C soil
humusc2 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for humusC pool in soil’s second soil layer C soil
fastc2 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for fastC pool in soil’s second soil layer C soil
humusc3 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for humusC pool in soil lowest soil layer C soil
fastc3 mg m-3 land use starting concentration for fastC pool in soil lowest soil layer C soil
klh d-1 general parameter for speed of transformation from litter to humus C soil
klo d-1 general parameter for speed of transformation from litter to DOC C soil
kho d-1 general parameter for speed of transformation from humus to DOC C soil
kof d-1 general parameter for speed of transformation from DOC to fastC C soil
koflim - general parameter for threshold for wetness for transformation DOC to fastC C soil
koc - general parameter for DOC-concentrations reduction for percolation C soil
kcgwreg - general parameter for DOC-concentrations reduction with flow out to regional groundwater C soil
sedoc m ts-1 general sedimentation rate OC in lakes. Can also be defined in LakeData.txt. C lake
ripz - land use parameter for OC processes in riparian zone C riparian
ripe m-1 general exponent for groundwater depth dependence of OC processes in riparian zones C riparian
rips - general seasonal factor for OC processes in riparian zones C riparian
tocmean mg L-1 lake region mean OC fraction in lakes, used that starting value for concentrations of TOC in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt)
minc - general fraction of transformation mineralised to DIC C soil
ocsoimsat - land use saturation in soil moisture function for degradation of soil organic carbon C soil
ocsoimslp % land use slope in soil moisture function for degradation of soil organic carbon C soil
laketemp d general maximum value for depth dependent lake temperature routine, 0 means that this function is not used.
snalbmin - land use parameter for snowmelt model 2
snalbmax - land use parameter for snowmelt model 2
snalbkexp ts-1 land use parameter for snowmelt model 2
cmrad mm m2 MJ-1 land use coefficient for radiation snow melt, parameter for snowmelt model 2
t2trriver J m-2 s-1 °C-1 general heat transfer parameter for water temperature T2 of river
t2trlake J m-2 s-1 °C-1 general heat transfer parameter for water temperature T2 of lake
upper2deep J m-2 s-1 °C-1 general heat transfer parameter for water temperature T2 between lake parts
tcfriver J m-2 s-1 °C-1 general air-riverwater heat flow, temperature difference coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
scfriver general air-riverwater heat flow, solar radiation coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
ccfriver general air-riverwater heat flow, constant coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
lcfriver general air-riverwater heat flow, linear coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
tcflake J m-2 s-1 °C-1 general air-lakewater heat flow, temperature difference coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
scflake general air-lakewater heat flow, solar radiation coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
ccflake general air-lakewater heat flow, constant coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
lcflake general air-lakewater heat flow, linear coefficient water - atmosphere T2 exchange
stbcorr1 general parameter for stability correction
stbcorr2 general parameter for stability correction
stbcorr3 general parameter for stability correction
licettf °C general lake ice model, water temperature threshold for freeze-up ice
licetf °C general lake ice model, freezing temperature ice
licesndens g cm-3 ts-1 general lake ice model, snow compaction parameter ice
licekika cm general lake ice model, ratio between thermal conductivity of ice and heat exchange coefficient in air ice
licekexp - general lake ice model, water temperature threshold for freeze-up ice
licetmelt cm °C-1 general lake ice model, melt factor for ice ice
licewcorr - general lake ice model, snowfall reduction for wind drift ice
licessmft - general lake ice model, subsurface melt fraction, temperature driven melt ice
licessmfr - general lake ice model, subsurface melt fraction, radiation driven melt ice
licermelt - general lake ice model, radiation melt efficiency (fraction of radiation used for melt at T>0) ice
licebupo - general lake ice model, breakup porosity ice
liceqhw W/m2 general lake ice model, heat flux from water to ice ice
ricettf °C general river ice model, water temperature threshold for freeze-up ice
ricetf °C general river ice model, freezing temperature ice
ricesndens g cm-3 ts-1 general river ice model, snow compaction parameter ice
ricekika cm general river ice model, ratio between thermal conductivity of ice and heat exchange coefficient in air ice
ricekexp - general river ice model, water temperature threshold for freeze-up ice
ricetmelt cm °C-1 general river ice model, melt factor for ice ice
ricermelt - general river ice model, radiation melt efficiency ice
ricessmft - general river ice model, subsurface melt fraction, temp ice
ricessmfr - general river ice model, subsurface melt fraction, radiation ice
ricebupo - general river ice model, breakup porosity ice
riceqhmn W/m2 general river ice model, (min) heat flux from water to ice at waterflow ice
riceqhmx W/m2 general river ice model, (max) heat flux from water to ice at waterflow ice
ricecwi - general river ice model, heat exchange coefficient between stream flow and river ice ice
fscmax - general maximum fractional snow cover area snow cover
fscmin - general minimum fractional snow cover area snow cover
fsclim - general limit of fractional snow cover area for onset of snowmax snow cover
fscdistmax - land use maximum snow distribution factor snow cover
fscdist0 - land use minimum snow distribution factor snow cover
fscdist1 m-1 land use std coefficient for snow distribution factor snow cover
fsck1 - general parameter for snowmax snow cover
fsckexp s-1 general parameter for snowmax snow cover
fsceff - general efficiency of snow cover to influence snow melt and snow evaporation, should have values between 0 and 1. A value of 1 means that snow melt will be linearly scaled with snow cover: melt = melt*(1-fsc*(1-snowcov)).
cmrefr - general refreeze efficiency compared to the degree-day snow melt factor: refreeze=cmrefr*cmlt*(tt-temp) if temp<tt. Used for snow melt model 2.
fepotsnow - general fraction of snow-free potential evapotranspiration, used for calculation of snow evaporation.
krs general parameter for estimating shortwave radiation, also used in petmodel 3 - Modified Hargreaves-Samani, Hargreaves adjustment factor PET input data
jhtadd general parameter for petmodel 2 - Modified Jensen-Haise/McGuiness PET
jhtscale general parameter for petmodel 2 - Modified Jensen-Haise/McGuiness PET
alfapt general parameter for petmodel 4 - Priestly-Taylor PET
mwind m s-1 general average wind speed, used for petmodel 5 when no wind forcing is available wind
zwind m general wind observation height, typical value is 10 wind
zwish m general wanted wind height, typical value is 2 wind
zpdh m general zero plane displacement height wind
roughness - general surface roughness (for observed wind) wind
kc - land use crop coefficient for petmodels, default parameter PET
kc2 - land use crop coefficient for petmodel 2, if not set kc is used PET
kc3 - land use crop coefficient for petmodel 3, if not set kc is used PET
kc4 - land use crop coefficient for petmodel 4, if not set kc is used PET
kc5 - land use crop coefficient for petmodel 5, if not set kc is used PET
alb - land use albedo for petmodels net downward radiation
incorr - wqparreg super-parameter, regional correction factor for parameter governing inorganic nitrogen:
for degradhn (except for glaciers) and
par = par * (1 - incorr)
for denitrlu, denitwl, denitwrm, and denitwrl
Note: denitwl in LakeData.txt will also be affected by this correction factor
oncorr - wqparreg super-parameter, regional correction factor for parameter governing organic nitrogen:
for dissolhn (except for glaciers) and
par=par*(1-oncorr) for sedon
Note: sedon in LakeData.txt will also be affected by this correction factor
phoscorr - wqparreg super-parameter, regional correction factor for parameter governing phosphorus:
par=par*(1+phoscorr) for soilerod (for erosion model 0), dissolhP (except for glaciers), fastP0, humusP0, and partP0
ratcorr - parreg correction factor for discharge gratk=gratk(1+ratcorr) rating curve
pirrs - parreg irrigation abstraction fraction from surface water sources. Controls the amount of potentially withdrawable surface water that is in fact abstracted. pirrs=1 implies full withdrawal. pirrs=0 if not set. irrigation abstraction
pirrg - parreg irrigation abstraction fraction from groundwater. Controls the amount of potentially withdrawable groundwater that is in fact abstracted. pirrg=1 implies full withdrawal. pirrg=0 if not set. irrigation abstraction
sswcorr - general rescaling factor for the soil water stress irrigation threshold. sswcorr=1 implies no rescaling. sswcorr=0 if not set. irrigation demand
iwdfrac - general fraction of the irrigation threshold which constitutes irrigation water demand. Note iwdfrac can be >1. Only used if demandtype=3. irrigation demand
regirr - general connectivity scaling factor for the regional irrigation water abstractions. Regirr=1 implies full connectivity while regirr=0.5 implies that only half of regional demands are taken into account irrigation abstraction
irrdemand mm ts-1 general the irrigation water demand for subbasins with demandtype=1 irrigation demand
immdepth mm general target submergence depth for submerged irrigated crops irrigation demand
cirrsink - parreg concentration reduction fraction in settlement tanks at irrigation abstraction points irrigation abstraction
irrcomp - general irrigation source compensation parameter. Irrcomp defines the fraction of the residual irrigation water demands which can be withdrawn from other local sources. Irrcomp=0 if not set. irrigation abstraction
glacdens m3 water (m3 ice)-1 general density of glacier ice (default value=0.85)
glac2arlim m2 general area limit for determine glacier type glacier
glacvcoef m general coefficient of glacier area-volume relationship for glacier of type 0 (default), (default value=0.205) glacier
glacvexp - general exponent of glacier area-volume relationship for glacier of type 0 (default), (default value=1.375) glacier
glacvcoef1 m general coefficient of glacier area-volume relationship for glacier of type 1, (default value=1.701) glacier
glacvexp1 - general exponent of glacier area-volume relationship for glacier of type 1, (default value=1.25) glacier
glaccmlt mm °C-1 ts-1 general melting parameter for glacier glacier
glacttmp °C general threshold temperature for glacier melt glacier
glaccmrad mm m2 MJ-1 general coefficient for radiation glacier melt, parameter for snowmelt model 2 glacier
glaccmrefr - general refreeze efficiency compared to the degree-day glacier melt factor, parameter for snow meltmodel 2 glacier
glacalb - general albedo for glacier ice glacier
fepotglac - general fraction of snow-free potential evapotranspiration, used for calculation of glacier evaporation (snowevaporation model 1). glacier
rcgrw - general recession coefficient for regional groundwater outflow from soil layers (deepground=1 (and 2)) deep flow or aquifer
rcgrwst - soil type recession coefficient for deep percolation flow out of soil layers (deepground=2) aquifer
aqretcor - parreg (of aquifer) adjustment of recession coefficients newpar=oldpar(1+aqcor) for aquifer return flow aquifer
aqdelcor - parreg (of aquifer) adjustment of deep percolation delay to aquifers newpar=oldpar(1+aqcor) for aquifer return flow aquifer
aqpercor - parreg (of subbasin) adjustment of deep percolation to aquifers newpar=oldpar(1+aqcor) for aquifer return flow aquifer
spdecaq, ppdecaq, ondecaq, ocdecaq, ssdecaq, aedecaq, t1decaq days general half time of substance exponential decay in aquifer for substances SP, PP, ON, OC, SS, AE, and T1 aquifer
optonoff - general switch (0/1) for using general parameters opt1-opt8 instead of data from FloodData.txt (0=do not use opt1-opt8, 1=use opt1-opt8, 2=use opt1-opt4, 3=use opt5 and opt8, 4=use opt6-opt7)
opt1 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of floll floodplain
opt2 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of flolp floodplain
opt3 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of flmrr floodplain
opt4 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of flmrp floodplain
opt5 - general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of rclfp and rcrfp floodplain
opt6 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of fymol floodplain
opt7 m general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of fymmr floodplain
opt8 - general parameter replacing FloodData.txt values of rcfpl and rcfpr floodplain
limT2exch m general limit for which deeper river and lakes use surface water heat balance radiation term and other terms (used for modeloption lakeriverice 2)
t2mix - general switch (0/1) for using mixed lake T2 temperature on outflow of lake (can also be set in LakeData.txt) lake outflow
T1expdec days general half time for exponential decay of T1. Applied to T1 in soil water and surface water (but not in snow). Also applied to T1 in pool above soil, adsorbed to soil and in river sediment. tracer T1
T1freuc L/kg soil or ( (U/kg soil)/(U/L) ) general freundlich adsorption isoterm coefficient for adsorption/desorption of T1 to soil. tracer T1
T1release mm-1 general release of T1 from above soil pool. Typically the pool consist of manure. tracer T1 travel time soil model
T1sedexp - general parameter for sedimentation/resuspension of T1 in watercourses tracer T1
T1sedvel m/timestep general sedimentation rate of T1 in lakes tracer T1
T1leakluse µU/L or - land use typical leakage concentration of T1 depending on land use or a scaling factor to typical leakage concentration depending on soil type tracer T1
T1leaksoil µU/L or - soil type typical leakage concentration of T1 depending onsoil type or a scaling factor to typical leakage concentration depending on land use tracer T1
T1decay units of totref general half time for exponential decay of tracer for reference time of travel (totref) travel time soil model
T1timeot days land use time of travel of tracer T1 from soil to nearest stream travel time soil model
t1load1f, t1load2f, t1load3f - general fraction of soil load of tracer T1 that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
soilcorr - land use factor used to adjust the thicknesses of soil layer 2 and 3 as given in GeoClass. Must be larger than zero if used.
ttrig degree Celsius land use temperature threshold for soil temperature control on soil evapotranspiration evaporation
treda - land use soil temperature control on soil evapotranspiration evaporation
tredb - land use soil temperature control on soil evapotranspiration evaporation
gldepo m general depth of olake, used if lake_depth in GeoData/LakeData/DamData is zero or negative
gicatch - general fraction of local runoff that goes through the local lake (ilake), the rests runs directly into the main watercourse. Replaces icatch in GeoData if that one is negative or column missing and ilicatch not set. lake
ilratk - ilakeregion parameter of rating curve for ilake outflow (rate), replaces gratk if above zero lake
ilratp - ilakeregion parameter of rating curve for ilake outflow (exponent), replaces gratp if above zero lake
illdepth m ilakeregion depth for ilakes lake
ilicatch - ilakeregion fraction of local runoff that goes through the local lake (ilake), the rests runs directly into the main watercourse. Replaces icatch in GeoData if negative or column missing. lake
olratk - olakeregion parameter of rating curve for outlet lake outflow (rate), replaces gratk if above zero lake
olratp - olakeregion parameter of rating curve for outlet lake outflow (exponent), replaces gratp if above zero lake
olldepth m olakeregion depth for outlet lakes, replaces lake_depth in GeoData if zero or negative
glacannmb mm/yr general annual mass balance for correction of initial glacier volume glacier
denit3reg d-1 wqparreg parameter for denitrification rate in soil layer 3, replaces other denitrification rate parameter (denitrlu or denitrlu3) in third soil layer if >0
erodluse - land use erosion model 1 landuse erosion factor erosion
erodsoil - soil type erosion model 1 soil type erosion factor erosion
erodslope - general erosion model 1 slope erosion factor (exponent) erosion
erodexp - general erosion model 1 erosion precipitation dependent factor (exponent) erosion
erodindex - general erosion model 1 scaling of subbasin erosion index erosion
erodmon - monthly correction factor for soil erosion by erosion model 1: erosion=(1+erodmon)*erosion P erosion and S erosion
eroddecay ts-1 general time constant of removal of eroded sediment P erosion and S erosion
ppenrmax - soil type maximum enrichment of PP in transport of soil erosion erosion
ppenrstab - general minimum enrichment (stable level) of PP in transport of soil erosion erosion
ppenrflow mm ts-1 general flow at which stable level of enrichment of PP in transport of soil erosion is reached erosion
sedss m ts-1 general sedimentation velocity of suspended sediments in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) sedimentation
limsedss mg L-1 general concentration of SS deducted from concentration in water when sedimentation is calculated sedimentation
sedae m ts-1 general sedimentation velocity of algae in lakes sedimentation
fraxe m general mean river depth (m) where fractional river area = 1 evaporation
fraxm m general mean river depth (m) where the slope of the fractional river area has its maximum (must be in the range between 0 and fraxe) evaporation
wetrate - general parameter of rating curve of iwet and owet wetlands
wetexp - general parameter of rating curve of iwet and owet wetlands
iwetw0 m general outflow threshold for iwet (meter above land surface) wetlands
owetw0 m general outflow threshold for owet (meter above land surface) wetlands
wlsed m/d general sedimentation velocity ON,PP,SS for iwet and owet wetlands
wlpartfrac - general fraction of settled PP to partP soil component (the rest to fast) for iwet and owet wetlands
wlproddep m general production depth for area extent dependence of macrophype nutrient uptake IN,SP for iwet and owet wetlands
wlmphuptin - general coefficient for macrophype nutrient uptake IN for iwet and owet wetlands
wlmphuptsp - general coefficient for macrophype nutrient uptake SP for iwet and owet wetlands
wlfastfrac - general fraction macrophyte residuals to fast soil component (the rest to humus) for iwet and owet wetlands
wltmpexp - general exponent in temperature dependence of macrophype nutrient uptake IN,SP for iwet and owet wetlands
hygeomf - general exponent to calculate river depth with hydraulic geometry main river
hygeomc - general rate to calculate river depth with hydraulic geometry main river
hygeomk - general exponent to calculate river velocity with hydraulic geometry main river
hygeomm - general rate to calculate river velocity with hydraulic geometry main river
ricew0por, rivew1por fraction general ice porosity thresholds for change between summer and winter river rating curve main river
ricew0ice, ricew1ice cm general ice thickness thresholds for change between summer and winter river rating curve main river
wsfluse - land use Winstral coefficient for snowfall distribution model snowfall
wsfscale - general Winstral coefficient for snowfall distribution model snowfall
wsfbias - general Winstral coefficient for snowfall distribution model snowfall
sfdmax - general maximum allowed snowfall distribution (0-1) snowfall
sfdlim - general fraction of subbasin area with snowfall for snowfall distribution to be applied snowfall
numdir - general number of wind directions used for snowfall distribution model (4 or 8) snowfall
logsatmp - soil type coefficient in unfrozen soil water content function frozen soil
bcosby - soil type coefficient in unfrozen soil water content function frozen soil
fzsexpand - soil type frozen soil water volume expansion effect on runoff frozen soil
inrelease, onrelease, sprelease, pprelease, ocrelease, ssrelease, aerelease mm-1 general release parameter for pool on soil to dissolved substance (IN=inorganic nitrogen, ON=organic nitrogen, SP=soluble phosphorus, PP=particulate phosphorus, OC=organic carbon, SS=suspended substances, AE=algae nitrogen) travel time soil model
indecay, ondecay, spdecay, ppdecay, ocdecay, ssdecay, aedecay days general half time for exponential decay of substance for reference time of travel for model (totref) (IN=inorganic nitrogen, ON=organic nitrogen, SP=soluble phosphorus, PP=particulate phosphorus, OC=organic carbon, SS=suspended substances, AE=algae nitrogen) travel time soil model
totref - general reference time of travel corresponding to the half life time of travel time soil model. Default is 1. travel time soil model
intimeot, ontimeot, sptimeot, pptimeot, octimeot, sstimeot, aetimeot - land use time of travel relative to reference of substance from soil to nearest stream (IN=inorganic nitrogen, ON=organic nitrogen, SP=soluble phosphorus, PP=particulate phosphorus, OC=organic carbon, SS=suspended substances, AE=algae nitrogen) travel time soil model
totexp0 - general exponent of the time of travel dependence of exponential decay for substances in soil pool on soil travel time soil model
totexpsl1, totexpsl2, totexpsl3 - general exponent of the time of travel dependence of exponential decay for substances in soil layer 1-3 travel time soil model
inload1f, inload2f, inload3f - general fraction of soil load of inorganic nitrogen that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
onload1f, onload2f, onload3f - general fraction of soil load of organic nitrogen that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
spload1f, spload2f, spload3f - general fraction of soil load of soluble phosphorus that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
ppload1f, ppload2f, ppload3f - general fraction of soil load of particulate phosphorus that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
ocload1f, ocload2f, ocload3f - general fraction of soil load of organic carbon that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
ssload1f, ssload2f, ssload3f - general fraction of soil load of suspended sediment that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
aeload1f, aeload2f, aeload3f - general fraction of soil load of algae nitrogen that is to be added to soil layer 1-3, default is that all goes to the surface pool travel time soil model
srbeta - general coefficient in surface runoff optional model surface runoff
sralpha - general coefficient in surface runoff optional model surface runoff
srgamma - general coefficient in surface runoff optional model surface runoff
srnlayer - general number of soillayers to consider in surface runoff optional model surface runoff
macfrac - general fraction of surface runoff that goes to macro pores in surface runoff optional model surface runoff
weathrate mg m-3 d-1 soil type silica weathering rate silica
weathdep m general depth where the weathering activity is half of that at the surface silica
weathkt J mol-1 general weathering temperature dependence parameter (rock activation energy) silica
inisi mg L-1 general starting value in lakes, concentration of DSi silica
wprodsi kg m-3 d-1 general production/decay of algae silica in surface water (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) silica
plimsi mg P L-1 general concentration of TP deducted from concentration in water when calculating half-saturation factor in the decay/production routine for algae Si production silica
sitmpexp - general exponent of temperature dependence of the mineralization/production routine for algae Si production silica
sedsi m ts-1 general sedimentation velocity of algae silica in lakes (can also be defined in LakeData.txt) silica
start/hype_file_reference/par.txt.1631711755.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)