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The pmsf-file is used to simulate a selection of a larger HYPE model setup, while still keeping the files for the larger model intact. The file defines the selection of subbasins to simulate as a submodel. To run a subset of a model with pmsf.txt, use the code submodel in info.txt. The name “pmsf” is short for “partial model setup file”.

The file is placed in the same folder as info.txt. Subbasins provided in the file must represent “complete basins”, i.e. include all upstream subbasins and also all basins linked through irrigation sources in MgmtData.txt or through regional aquifers in AquiferData.txt.

pmsf.txt are simple text files with the total number of subbasins in the selected submodel written in the first line, and whitespace-separated subids listed from row 2. There is no limit in number of rows with subids (line breaks are treated as whitespace). The given subids can be listed in any order. Subids listed must be a selection of those provided in GeoData.txt).

Example for a pmsf.txt file structure with 8 sub-basins:

345 456 464 579 204
496  56 654
start/hype_file_reference/pmsf.txt.1509465891.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)