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The time series can be daily, monthly or yearly; PSDailySeries.txt, PSMonthlySeries.txt or PSYearlySeries.txt. The file is used for introducing time series of point sources or abstractions into the model. The point sources and abstractions are defined in the file PointSourceData.txt, while the time series data is given in this file. The file is used when readpstime is set in info.txt

The file is located in the modeldir folder. File should include a continuous time period of values for each time step, which doesn’t need to cover the whole simulation time period. Missing values (-9999) are allowed for concentrations when the flow is zero, but zero concentration works as well.

The first row gives the variable names. For the first column, the date column, the name “date” can be used (may not be omitted). The second row gives which pointsource (psid in PointSourceData.txt) the column’s data is given for. The date column may in this case belong to psid 0 (may not be omitted). The first column is date in format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyymmdd (or yyyy-mm, yyyymm, yyyy if monthly or yearly time series). No time is permitted. Second to last columns are data columns.

Variables that can be given are tabled below. Flow is mandatory, while concentrations is optional columns. Missing concentration variables are set to zero. Flow should be larger than or equal to zero. Note that the units are not always the same as for constant point sources in PointSourceData.txt.

Variable ID Unit Description
flowm3/spoint source discharge or abstraction
INconcmg/linorganic nitrogen concentration of point source discharge
ONconcmg/lorganic nitrogen concentration of point source discharge
SPconcmg/lsoluble phosphorus concentration of point source discharge
PPconcmg/lparticulate phosphorus concentration of point source discharge
OCconcmg/ldissolved organic carbon concentration of point source discharge
SSconcmg/lsuspended sediment concentration of point source discharge
AEconcmg/lalgae nitrogen concentration of point source discharge
DSconcmg/ldissolved silica concentration of point source discharge
ASconcmg/lalgae silica concentration of point source discharge
T1concuU/ltracer concentration of point source discharge
T2concdegree Celsiustemperature of point source discharge

Example of PointSourceData.txt for time series point sources: first row: a waste water point source, second row an abstraction from the main river and its inflow.

subid psid ps_type ps_source
567   1    1       3
668   2    -1      3
start/hype_file_reference/pstimeseries.txt.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/25 11:38 (external edit)