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The respar.txt file most of the time holds the resulting optimal parameter values after an automatic calibration (according to the objective function given in info.txt) . Generally only calibrated parameters is printed in the file, but if a parameter is only calibrated for one or a few of the parameters dependencies (soil types/land uses/regions/etc) values will still be printed for all of them.

When Monte Carlo simulation is used for calibration, the parameters from the best simulation are printed to respar.txt, while parameter values from the rest of the simulations, or the other N best simulations depending on settings in optpar.txt, are found in the file bestsims.txt. When the DEMC method is used for calibration, the median parameters of the last generations simulations are printed to respar.txt. These are not the optimal ones. In this case, the last accepted parameters for each population, and the median parameters, are written to the bestsims.txt file.

The file is located in the resultdir folder given in info.txt. The first row of the file is a comment row. After that the file contains one parameter per row with name and values for all of the parameter's dependencies. Definition of parameters is found in the section for par.txt.

Example of a respar.txt file:

 Optimal value of parameters found during automatic calibration
cevpcorr         -0.2695302
pcaddg           -0.1540260
rivvel            2.9619985
ttmp              0.5000000        6.0000000        0.5000000        0.5000000        1.9998100        0.5000000       -1.6239488        0.5000000        0.5000000        0.5000000
start/hype_file_reference/respar.txt.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/01/25 11:38 (external edit)