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The file is located in the resultdir folder. The file contains values of most performance criteria of the selected variables in the optimisation criteria. Note: If several RA criteria have been selected, only the last of them will be printed to file. Not calculated values are indicated by -9999.

The following performance criteria may be calculated: corresponding code for info – description. Regional NSE: RR2 - regional Nash-Sutcliffe R2 (all data combined in one long time-series) Regional RA: RRA - regional Nash-Sutcliffe like criteria where the square is exchanged with a coefficient value Regional RE: RRE - regional relative error (all data combined in one long time-series) Regional MAE: - regional absolute error (all data combined in one long time-series) Average NSE: MR2 - average of all Nash-Sutcliffe R2s for all subbasins with observations Average RA: MRA - average value of subbasin values of Nash-Sutcliffe like criteria where the square is exchanged with a coefficient value Average RE: MRE - average of the relative errors for all subbasins (Note: fraction, not %) Average RSDE: MRS – error in standard deviation, average of all subbasins with observations Average CC: MCC – Pearson correlation coefficient, average of all subbasins with observations Average ARE: MAR – mean absolute of relative errors for all subbasins (Note: fraction, not %) Spatial NSE: SR2 - spatial R2 calculated using annual means for all subbasins (requires at least 5 years and 5 subbasins with data) Spatial RA: SRA - Spatial Nash-Sutcliffe like criteria where the square in the Nash-Sutcliffe formula is exchanged for a coefficient value Spatial RE: - spatial relative error calculated using annual means for all subbasins (requires at least 5 years and 5 subbasins with data) Kendalls Tau: TAU - average of Kendall's Tau value for all subbasins Median NSE: MD2 - median of Nash-Sutcliffe R2 for all subbasins with observations Median RA: MDA - median of all subbasins RA (Nash-Sutcliffe like criteria where the square is exchanged with a coefficient value) Median KGE: MKG - median of all subbasins Kling-Gupta Efficiency Median NRMSE: MNR - median of all subbasins normalised RMSE

start/hype_file_reference/simass.txt.1430751584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)