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The Wobs.txt file may holds observations of outlet lake water stage for selected points in the model domain. The water stage observations may alternatively be given in Xobs, but not in both files. The subbasin id (subid from GeoData.txt) is used to couple the observations to the model. When refering to observed water stage for output or criterion calculation the HYPE variable ID wstr correspond to the data of the Wobs.txt file.

The file is located in the otherobsdir folder set in info.txt. If the path is not set, the file is seached for in forcingdir. Water stage (m) is given for consecutive timesteps for selected subbasins for a continuous time period which doesn’t need to cover the whole simulation time period. Missing values is denoted -9999.

The first rows of the file may be comment rows. They begin with '!!' to identify them as comment rows to be skipped when reading the file. The first row after the comment rows gives which subbasin (subid in GeoData.txt) the column’s data is given for. The date column may in this case belong to subbasin 0 (may not be omitted). The first column is date in the format yyyy-mm-dd [HH:MM]. If set in info.txt that matlab-format should be read (readformat 1) the date format is instead yyyymmdd[HHMM]. The second to last columns are observations for selected subbasins (i.e. not all subbasins are required).

start/hype_file_reference/wobs.txt.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/25 11:37 (external edit)