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Nitrogen and phosphorus in land routines

HYPE simulate nitrogen and phosphorus in soil both as immobile soil pools and as fractions dissolved in soil water. The pools are changed by outside sources and internal soil processes. The following fractions are simulated:

  • fastN - immobile pool of organic nitrogen in the soil with rapid turnover (kg/km2 = mg/m2)
  • fastP - immobile pool of organic phosphorus in the soil with rapid turnover (kg/km2 = mg/m2)
  • humusN - immobile pool of organic nitrogen in the soil with slow turnover (kg/km2 = mg/m2)
  • humusP - immobile pool of organic phosphorus in the soil with slow turnover (kg/km2 = mg/m2)
  • IN - concentration of inorganic nitrogen in soil water (mg/L)
  • ON - the concentration of (dissolved) organic nitrogen in soil water (mg/L)
  • partP - immobile pool of inorganic phosphorus adsorded to soil particles (kg/km2 = mg/m2)
  • PP - concentration of particulate phosphorus (of organic origin) in soil water (mg/L)
  • SP - concentration of soluble (reactive) phosphorus in the soil water (mg/L)

The figure below give an overview of the nitrogen and phosphorus in soil in HYPE. The internal processes are shown with broad arrows and described in the section Nutrient soil processes below. Sources and sinks are shown with arrows and text, and are further described in sections Nutrient sources and Vegetation and soil surface processes

Figure 1: Sources and sinks of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil.

Nutrient Sources


Fertilization can be specified to be applied up to two times per year for each of the two fertilization forms, (commercial) fertilizer (fert) and manure (man). For each fertilization event the application date is specified, the amount of N and P (fert(inut,ife), man(inut,ife), where inut=N,P and ife=1,2 the fertilization event) to be added, and a management indicator (fdown(ife), mdown(ife)). The last information indicates how much of the fertiliser is to be added to the second soil layer (the rest is added to the first soil layer). These parameters are given in CropData.txt and are crop and region dependent. For manure 50% of the nutrients are assumed to be in organic form (inorgpart = 0.5).

Fertilizer and the inorganic part of the manure are added to the IN and SP pools of the soil water. The total amount is spread out over a specified period (given by the general parameter fertdays) after the date of fertilization. An equal amount is applied each day for the specified period. The organic part of the manure is added to the fastN and fastP pools.

Each class can have two crops (icrop=1,2), the main crop and the secondary crop. The secondary crop do not have to cover (a) the whole class, e.g. if only 50% of the spring wheat (main crop) area have catch crop (second crop) (a(1)=1, a(2)=0.5). The total amount of added nutrients (common_{add}) is calculated as the sum of fertiliser additions from the main and secondary crops.

Inorganic nutrients to be added to IN and SP pools:

common_{add}(inut,layer=1)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {sum {ife=1} {2} {a(icrop) * ({fert(inut,ife,icrop) * (1 - fdown(ife,icrop))} / fertdays + {man(inut,if,icrop) * (1 - mdown(ife,icrop))*inorgpart} / fertdays)}}

common_{add}(inut,layer=2)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {sum {ife=1} {2} {a(icrop) * ({fert(inut,ife,icrop) * fdown(ife,icrop)} / fertdays + {man(inut,ife,icrop) * mdown(ife,icrop)*inorgpart} / fertdays)}}

Organic nutrients to be added to fastN and fastP pools:

common_{add}(inut,layer=1)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {sum {ife=1} {2} {a(icrop) * {{man(inut,ife,icrop) * (1 - mdown(ife,icrop))*(1-inorgpart)} / fertdays}}}

common_{add}(inut,layer=2)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {sum {ife=1} {2} {a(icrop) * {{man(inut,ife,icrop) * mdown(ife,icrop)*(1-inorgpart)} / fertdays}}}

Note that the terms for application of fertilizer and manure only are added during the active time, which is from the application date and for fertdays number of days thereafter.

Plant residues

Plant residues are added at a specified date each year. They are added to the immobile soil pools (fastN, fastP, humusN, and humusP) to get a delay of the leakage and an accumulation of humus in the soil. The amount of crop residues (resamount(inut), inut=N,P) and the date they are added on depends on crop and region and is given in the CropData.txt file. Part of the plant residues are added to the fast pool (resfast), and part to the humus pool. The plant residues are added to the upper two soil layers with a distribution (resdown) also specified in CropData. For each class the plant residues are weighted (common_{res}) for main and secondary crop together every day with the help of share for each crop (a(icrop), where icrop=1,2).

common_{res}(fast-inut,layer=1)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {a(icrop) * resfast(icrop) * resamount(inut,icrop) * (1 - resdown(icrop))} common_{res}(fast-inut,layer=2)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {a(icrop) * resfast(icrop) * resamount(inut,icrop) * resdown(icrop)} common_{res}(humus-inut,layer=1)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {a(icrop) * (1-resfast(icrop)) * resamount(inut,icrop) * (1 - resdown(icrop))} common_{res}(humus-inut,layer=2)= sum {icrop=1} {2} {a(icrop) * (1-resfast(icrop)) * resamount(inut,icrop) * resdown(icrop)}

All crop residues are transferred into the soil at a given date as determined by the user in CropData.txt. Note that the terms for application of residues only are added that day.

Rural household diffuse source

Information on rural household diffuse source (private sewers) is located in the file GeoData.txt. The source has a flow and concentrations of total nitrogen and phosphorus and fraction of IN and SP. The diffuse source is divided into two parts, where the distribution is determined by a general parameter (locsoil). One part is added directly to the local river. The other part is added to soil water in the bottom soil layers in the catchment area of all land classes with a distribution proportional to the classes’ area.

Section Symbol Parameter/Data File
Fertilizerfertfn1, fp1, fn2, fp2CropData.txt
manmn1, mp1, mn2, mp2
fdownmdown1, fdown2
mdownmdown1, mdown2
reg, cropid, fday1, fday2, mday1, mday2
cropid, cropid2GeoClass.txt
src_nn, slc_nnGeoData.txt
Plant residuesresamountresn, respCropData.txt
resday, resfast, resdown
Rural household diffuse source loc_tp, loc_tn, loc_vol, loc_sp, loc_inGeoData.txt
Modules (file) Procedures Sections
npc_soil_processes (npc_soil_proc.f90)crop_sourcesfertilizer
plant residues
local_diffuse_sourcerural household diffuse source
npc_surfacewater_processes (npc_sw_proc.f90)add_diffuse_source_to_local_riverrural household diffuse source

Vegetation and soil surface processes

The CropData.txt file contains information on the various crops that are simulated. Each soil type-land use class (SLC-class) can have a main crop and a secondary crop. To reduce the number of SLC-classes in a simulation the individual crops with similar properties are brought together in a grouped crop (e.g. row crops). In CropData.txt there is information such as the amount of fertilizer, manure and crop residues introduced into the soil for different crops in different regions. The file also provides coefficients for nutrient uptake capabilities.

Potential vegetation uptake of nitrogen

The potential uptake is used to calculate the absorption of IN and SP from the soil water (see section Vegetation nutrient uptake). The actual uptake will be limited by the nutrients available. Potential uptake of nitrogen by plants is based on a three-parameter equation (logistic growth) from SOILN (Eckersten et al., 1994). Nitrogen uptake (uptake) is calculated for the main and secondary crop and added to the common potential absorption function (common_uptake, mg/m2/d) using the percentage of the area of the main crop (part = 1.0) and secondary crop (part<1). The potential uptake is divided between the upper soillayer and second soillayer by a parameter for the fraction of the upper soil layer. The growing period with simulated nutrient uptake is determined by the sowing date (bd2) and continues until harvest (bd3). Potential uptake depends on three parameters (up1, up2 and up3) and the number of days after sowing date. The uptake for a specific crop is calculated with the parameter values for that crop as

help = (up1-up2)*e^{-up3*(dayno-bd2)}

uptake = up1*up2*up3*help/((up2+help)*(up2+help))

for the growing period. Outside the growing period the uptake is assumed to be zero.

Autumn-sown crops may take up IN and SP for a while after sowing in autumn. The same potential uptake of nitrogen as the main growing season are used, but uptake is limited by a temperature function. This uptake will run from the autumn sowing date (bd5) to the mid winter (end of the year in northern hemisphere).

help = (up1-up2)*e^{-up3*(dayno-(bd5+25))}

uptake = tmpfcn * up1*up2*up3*help/(up2+help)/(up2+help)

where the temperature function (tmpfcn) is calculated as

tmpfcn = delim{lbrace}
 {matrix{2}{2}{{MIN[1,(T-5)/20]} {T>5} 0 {T<5}}}

The growing period will then continue next season from bd2 as described above.

The sowing date (bd2) may be given as a constant, or calculated dynamically depending on temperature. If it is dynamically determined it is set to the first day of the year which has a degreeday sum (GDD) above a threshold (gddsow). The degreeday sum (GDD) is calculated as


where d is day of year, T is air temperature (degree Celcius), basetemp is a temperature threshold. The GDD is accumulated for each day after firstday with day length larger than daylength. The GDD is zeroed at mid winter (new year in northern hemisphere).

Soil erosion

The erosion of soil particles is calculated by HYPE for transport of particulate phosphorus (PP) or for the simulation of sediment material. For transport of PP an erosion model depending on mobilization of particles by rain and by surface runoff is often used. This formulation is the default model for sediment transport, but another erosion model based on catchment erosion index can also be used.

In the first model PP can leave the land by two means, by surface runoff transport and by macropore flow through drainage pipes. The calculation of PP transport is done in three steps: first the erosion (mobilization) of soil particles from the land surface is calculated, secondly how much of the mobilized particles that are leaving the field is calculated, finally the amount of soil particles is converted to phosphorus.

Mobilization (MobilisedRain and MobilisedSR) occurs due to energy from falling raindrops (Rainfall_{energy}) and/or from surface runoff. The kinetic energy in rainfall is calculated as a function of rainfall and day of the year (dayno). If the precipitation falls as snow, or if it falls on snow-covered ground or if it is smaller than 5 mm/day no mobilization occurs in the model. Some of the rain drop's energy can be absorbed by vegetation. Cropcover is defined as the portion of land that is sheltered from raindrops; for a description of how this is calculated, see next chapter. The factor common_{cropcover} is the total fraction of cover that the main and secondary crop give together. It varies over the year due to crop growth and management. The mobilization is also influenced by soil erodibility (soil dependent parameter soilerod (g/J)).

Rainfall_{energy} = prec * ( 8.95+8.44*LOG10 (prec*2* ( 0.257+ 0.09*sin ( 2 pi* ( dayno-70 ) {/}365 ))))

MobilisedRain = Rainfall_{energy}* (1. - common_{cropcover}) * soilerod

When surface runoff occurs, soil particles are eroded and carried away as the soil surface is exposed to shear forces. The mobilization is calculated from the surface runoff (sflow), land slope, a parameter for soil cohesion (soilcoh (kPa) soil type dependent), and a general parameter (sreroexp). This type of erosion can be mitigated by protective vegetation or vegetation residues that are in contact with the ground. The calculation of this factor (groundcover) is described in next chapter. The variable common_{groundcover} is the total fraction of cover that the main and secondary crop give.

MobilisedSR = {{(sflow*365)^{sreroexp}} * (1-common_{groundcover}) * {1/{0.5*soilcoh}} * sin(slope/100)} / 365

All mobilized particles is not removed from the field, because sometimes the transport capacity of the particle-bearing water (eflow) will not suffice for the task. A transportfactor will reduce the particle amount:

transportfactor = MIN(1.0,(eflow {/} 4)^{1.3})

Eroded sediment (kg/km2) is calculated as:

erodedSed = 1000 * (MobilisedRain + MobilisedSedSR) * transportfactor

The alternative erosion model calculates eroded sediment (erodedSed (kg/km2)) based on precipitation (prec) and a number of model parameters and subbasin input data.

erodedSed = 1000. * ({slope / 5})^{erodslope} * erodluse * erodsoil * {EI/erodindex} * prec^{erodexp}

The parameters erodslope, erodexp and erodindex are general. The parameters erodluse and erodsoil are land-use and soil type dependent. Subbasin input is needed on slope, the subbasins average slope, and an erosion index, EI.

A selective process is affecting the soil erosion of phosphorus. Smaller and lighter particles are eroded easier than larger ones. The tiny particles contain more P per unit weight than the average particle of the soil. Therefore an enrichment factor (enrichment) is used.

Figure 2 The enrichment factor for particulate phosphorus during soil erosion.

Eventually the eroded PP (kg/km2) is calculated as:

erodedP = 0.000001 * erodedSed * {{PartP + HumusP}/ {thickness * bulkdensity}} * enrichment

A certain proportion of PP in surface runoff (sflow) is filtered out (for example by buffer zones). Filtering (srfilt) is determined by land use dependent parameters (bufferfilt, innerfilt, otherfilt), percentage of agricultural land close to a watercourse (alfa), and proportion of agricultural land near the rivers which have a protective buffer zone (bufferpart).

srfilt = otherfilt + alfa * (1. + bufferpart * (bufferfilt - 1.)) + innerfilt * (1. - alfa)

Similarly, part of the PP which is transported by macropore flow (mflow) is filtered away between the soil surface and drainage pipes. The parameter that determines this effect (macrofilt) is soil dependent. The PP transported (transPP) by surface runoff and macropore flow is collected in a temporary storage pool (PPrelpool (kg/km2)) together with PP in tile runoff (tilePP).

transPP = (srfilt*sflow+macrofilt*mflow)*erodedP/eflow


PPrelpool = PPrelpool + transPP + tilePP

From the temporary pool phosphorus is released (PPrel (kg/km2)) and then transported to the local river depending on the size of the total runoff (runoff (mm)). The parameters pprelmax and pprelexp are general.

PPrel = MIN(PPrelpool, PPrelpool *(runoff {/} pprelmax)^{pprelexp})

Crop cover and ground cover

Crop cover and ground cover fractions (cropcover and groundcover) are used in erosion equations for PP and the default sediment transport model. Harvested crops have seasonally varying ground and crop cover, while permanent vegetation (e.g. forest) has constant values for these parameters. The parameters (ccmax1, ccmax2, gcmax1, gcmax2) needed for calculations are found in CropData.txt. Parameters ccmax1 and gcmax1 describe the maximum crop and ground cover during spring-summer growing season, parameters ccmax2 and gcmax2 are corresponding maxima for fall-winter. These maximum ratios are reached at maxday1 and maxday2, which are defined as halfway between planting and harvest, and halfway between autumn planting and midwinter, respectively (new year on northern hemisphere). After these dates coverage is maintained to the next ploughing, harvest, or until the growing season starts again in the spring (for winter crops) (Figure 3). At the date of ploughing, ground and crop cover are set to zero. Parameters bd1 and bd4 describe the dates of spring respective autumn ploughing. If bd4 is set to 365 it is assumed that the ground is covered (i.e. no autumn ploughing) until spring ploughing. During the period between harvesting and ploughing, crop cover is equal to ground cover (gcmax1). From sowing (or growth season, beginning in the spring) the coverage rates increase linearly up to their maximum values.

Figure 3: Crop cover and ground cover development for four different crop configurations.

Transformation of nitrogen from atmospheric deposition

The parameter ponatm indicates that some of the nitrogen deposition will be organic instead of only inorganic. For wet deposition and deposition on snow, this is adjusted when there is infiltration of rain and melted snow into the soil. A portion (ponatm) of IN in the infiltration are added to fastN in the top layer instead of following the water to the soil water.

Section Symbol Parameter/Data File
Potential vegetation uptake of nitrogenpartscr_nnGeoData.txt
upupper, pnupr, bd2, bd3, bd5, up1, up2, up3 gddsow, basetemp, firstday, daylengthCropData.txt
Tcalculated fromTobs.txt
Soil erosion soilerod, soilcoh, seroexp, erodslope, erodluse, erodsoil, erodindex, erodexp, bufferfilt, innerfilt, otherfilt, macrofilt, pprelmax, pprelexppar.txt
Crop cover and ground cover ccmax1, ccmax2, gcmax1, gcmax2, bd1, bd4CropData.txt
maxday1, maxday2 calculated from bd2, bd3, bd5
Transformation of nitrogen from atmospheric deposition ponatmpar.txt
Modules (file) Procedures Sections
npc_soil_processes (npc_soil_proc.f90)calculate_plant potential vegetation uptake of nutrients
particle_processes_for_runofferosion calculations
calculate_erosionerosion calculations
crop cover and ground cover
atmdep_in_losstransformation of nitrogen from atmospheric deposition

Nutrient soil processes

Soil pools – initial values

The initial pools of solid soil nutrients are dependent on land use and is determined by the user and very important because they are changing slowly. The initial pools of the soil layers are calculated from a parameters. The parameters (humusn0, humusp0, partp0, fastn0, fastp0) are representative for the uppermost soil layer; the unit for these parameters is mg/m3. The initial humusN, humusP and partP-pools decreases with depth, with half depth determined by land use dependent parameters (hnhalf, hphalf and pphalf).

The equation for a depth dependent soil nutrient is:


where d is depth below zero-level, nut0 is nutrient at zero-level (i.e. model parameter for uppermost soil layer) and par is calculated from respective nutrient half depth model parameter (NNhalf) as:

par={log 2}/NNhalf

As the model parameters that represent zero-level nutrient (nut0) is defined for the uppermost soil layer, the zero-level is the middle of uppermost soillayer. The following depths (d) represent the soillayers (1-3):




The nutrient is transformed into model soil nutrient pools (unit kg/km2) by taking into account the thickness of the soil layers.

pool(k)=nut(d(k))*soilthick(k), ~~ k=1..3

Pools with rapid turnover (fastN, fastP) have initial values independent of depth.

pool(k)=nut0*soilthick(k), ~~ k=1..3

The nutrients dissolved in soil water is initialized independent of depth. The initial IN and SP concentrations are zero. The initial ON and PP concentration are determined by land use dependent parameters (onconc0 and ppconc0, mg/L) – valid for all three soil layers.

Common functions

Many soil processes depend on temperature and soil moisture. The following equations are used in these cases. The temperature function (figure 3) depends on the estimated soil layer temperature (soiltemp). The soil temperature requires some parameters to be simulated, see Section Soil temperature and snow depth.

tmpfcn = 2**((soiltemp - 20.0) / 10.0)
IF(temp < 5.0) tmpfcn = tmpfcn * (soiltemp / 5.0)
IF(temp < 0.0) tmpfcn = 0.0

The humidity function (figure 4) depends on soil moisture (soil) in the soil layer and the parameters of wilting limit (wp), field capacity (fc) and effective porosity (ep) transformed to unit mm. All these humidities are specified as percentages. The function includes coefficients thetaupp = 0.12, thetalow = 0.08, thetapow = 1.0 and satact = 0.6. Note that another function is used in the calculation of denitrification. For soil layers k = 1..3 the equation is:

IF(soil >= wp + fc + ep) THEN
  smfcn = satact
  smfcn = min(1.,(1-satact)*((wp+fc+ep-soil) /(thetaupp*soilthick)) **thetapow + satact,((soil-wp)/(thetalow*soilthick) **thetapow)
IF(soil < wp) THEN

The humidity function (figure 4) is always less than or equal to one while the temperature function may be greater than one when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees.

Figure 3: Common temperature function for soil processes
Figure 4: Common humidity function for soil processes

Vegetation nutrient uptake

Vegetation nutrient uptake is a sink of the IN and SP concentrations in the two upper soil layers. The uptake (uptake / uptakeP, mg/m2/d) depends on the potential uptake of nitrogen (common_{uptake}), calculated for the combination of main crop and any secondary crop of the specified class. Vegetation nutrient uptake also depends on uptsoil1 which gives the distribution of uptake between the two layers for a crop, the pool of IN (INpool) and SP (SPpool) and for phosphorus by P / N ratio (pnratio). The pool of dissolved nutrients are calculated as the concentration multiplied by the water in the soil layer (in mm). The main and secondary crop of a class is specified in GeoClass.txt.

uptakeN(1) = MIN(uptsoil1 * common_{uptake}, a*INpool(1))
uptakeN(2) = MIN((1-uptsoil1) * common_{uptake}, a* INpool(2))
uptakeP(1) = MIN(pnratio * uptsoil1 * common_{uptake}, a* SPpool(1))
uptakeP(2) = MIN(pnratio * (1-uptsoil1) * common_{uptake}, a*SPpool(2))
a = (soil - wp) / soil

The plants can take up a maximum factor a of the pool. This factor is calculated as a percentage of soil water over the wilting point. The equations for the potential uptake of nitrogen (common_{uptake}) are described under that section above. The constants uptsoil1 (percentage of plant nutrients absorbed top layer) and pnratio (ratio of N and P uptake) are given for each crop.


Denitrification is a sink for IN in all three soil layers. Denitrification (denitr, mg/m2/d) depends on the denitrification rate and the pool of IN (INpool) in each soil layer (k = 1.3). The denitrification rate depends on a rate coefficient (drate), soil temperature, IN concentration and soil moisture.

denitr(k) = drate * INpool(k) * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * concfcn(k)

The coefficient drate is determined by land use dependent model parameters denitrlu and denitrlu3. The temperature dependence (tmpfcn) is described above. The soil moisture function (figure 5) is exponential and thus different from the general soil moisture function.

smfcn= delim{lbrace}
   0 {soil<pw*lim }
   ({soil}/{pw}-{{dlim}/{(1-dlim)}})^{exp} else

where pw=wp+fc+ep

The function depends on soil moisture (soil) and pore volume (pw). Is also depends on two constants; the limit where moisture is high enough to allow denitrification to occur (dlim= 0.7) and the exponent (exp= 2.5). These cannot currently be changed. The dependence of the denitrification rate on the IN concentration is described by a function with a half-saturation concentration (general parameter hsatINs was in earlier HYPE versions a constant equal to 1 mg/L) (Figure 6).

concfcn = conc / {conc + hsatINs}

Adds an ImageCaption tag
Figure 5: Soil moisture function in the denitrification process.
Figure 6: Concentration function in the denitrification process.

Immobile soil nutrient pool transformations

Turnover of fastN

Turnover of fastN is a sink for fastN and a source of IN in all three soil layers (k = 1..3). Turnover (transfN, mg/m2/d) depends on a general parameter (minerfn), temperature function (tmpfcn), humidity function (smfcn) and the pool of fastN (fastN).

transfN(k) = minerfn * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * fastN(k)

Turnover of fastP

Turnover of fastP is a sink for fastP and a source of SP in all three soil layers (k = 1..3). Turnover (transfP, mg/m2/d) depends on a general parameter (minerfp), temperature function (tmpfcn), humidity function (smfcn) and the pool of fastP (fastP).

transfP(k) = minerfp * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * fastP(k)

Turnover of humusN

Turnover of humusN is a sink for humusN and a source of fastN in all three soil layers (k = 1..3). It is supposed to be a very slow process. Turnover (degradhN, mg/m2/d) depends on a general parameter (degradhn), temperature function (tmpfcn), humidity function (smfcn) and the pool of humusN (humusN).

degradhN(k) = degradhn * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * humusN(k)

Turnover of humusP

Turnover of humusP is a sink for humusP and a source of fastP all three soil layers (k = 1..3). It is supposed to be a very slow process. Turnover (degradhP, mg/m2/d) depends on a general parameter (degradhp), temperature function (tmpfcn), humidity function (smfcn) and the pool of humusP (humusP).

degradhP(k) = degradhp * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * humusP(k)

Dissolution of soil organic pools

All organic soil pools of nutrient (humusN, fastN, humusP and fastP) contribute to dissolved organic nutrients in soil water (i.e. ON and PP). This process is a sink of the soil pools and a source of ON and PP in all three soil layers (k = 1..3). Dissolution (mg/m2/d) depends on a model parameter (one for each soil pool, dispar), temperature function (tmpfcn), humidity function (smfcn) and the size of the soil pool (soilpool).

dissolution(k) = dispar * tmpfcn(k) * smfcn(k) * soilpool(k)

The dissolution model parameters (dispar) is land use dependent and named dissolfp, dissolfn, dissolhp, and dissolhn for dissolution of nutrient pools fastN, fastP, humusN and humusP respectively.


ON and PP concentration are reduced as the water percolates down through the soil layers. The decrease in concentration depends on land use dependent model parameters.

conc = conc*(1. - par)

Balance SP – PartP

SP is in a dynamic equilibrium with P adsorbed to soil particles (partP). The equilibrium is described by the Freundlich equation. From the total amount of P (SP + partP) in the soil an equilibrium concentration of SP is calculated in the soil solution using the iterative Newton-Raphson method.

coeff = Kfr * bulkdensity * soilthick
  fxn = xn * vol + coeff * (xn ** Nfr) - totalP
  fprimxn = vol + Nfr * coeff * ( xn **(Nfr-1))
  xn_1 = xn - fxn / fprimxn
  xn = xn_1

The coefficients Kfr, and Nfr are soil dependent, bulkdensity is the dry density of soil (= 1300 kg/m3) and soilthick is the soil layer thickness. fxn is function value for the concentration xn, fprimx is the function value of the derivative of fxn, and xn_1 is the concentration of the next iteration. The resulting SP equilibrium concentration (xn=xn_1) is used to calculate the PP eqiuilibrium concentration (PPequi_{conc}). A new SP concentration (SP_conc) is calculated from the previous concentration (SP_conc_old) and the equilibrium concentration, taking into account the balance is not reached during the time step.

PPequi_{conc} = Kfr * ({xn_1}^{Nfr})

Adsdes = (PPequi_{conc} - concsolid)*(1-e^{-Kadsdes})

SP_conc = SP_conc_old - {(Adsdes * bulkdensity * LayerThick)/ vol}

Adsdes is the amount of adsorbed/desorbed P, Kadsdes is a soil dependent rate constant, equi_concsolid is the solid phase equilibrium concentration, and concsolid is the initial concentration the solid phase.

Crop rotation effect on soil pools

The soil pools of nutrients are shared by crops on rotation on a field. This is modelled by averaging the soil pools once per year for the classes which are in the same crop rotation group.

Modules (file) Procedures Sections
npc_soil_processes (npc_soil_proc.f90)soil_np_processes
initiate_soil_npc_state soil pools - intial values
plant_uptakevegetation nutrient uptake
soil_denitrification denitrification
soil_pool_transformationsimmobile soil pool transformation
balance_spsoilbalance SP-partP
croprotation_soilpoolaveragecrop rotation
general_functions (general_func.f90)tempfactor common functions

Transport with soil water

IN, ON, SP and PP comes with water when it flows through the soil, but remain when water evaporates. Different flow paths contribute to the runoff of water and concentration of IN, ON, SP and PP from the corresponding soil layer. The flow paths possible today are: surface runoff (soil layer 1), runoff (soil layer 1, 2 and 3) and runoff through drainage pipe (soil layer 1, 2 or 3).

Diagnostic output variables of soil nutrients

Some additional output variables are calculated from the soil variables. Gross and net soil load is calculated for the “root zone”, e.g. soil layer one and two together, and for soil layer three separate. A third option for soil load is calculated not strictly based on the soil layers but as an approximation for “groundwater” based on third soil layer but manipulated with tile drainage.

Gross soil loads

Gross load to soil layer one and two (root zone). Components included: atmospheric deposition (wet and dry), fertilizers, crop residues, rural load if number of soil layers is less than three. HYPE variable IDs: sl01=IN, sl03=ON, sl05=sl01+sl03=TN, sl07=SP, sl09=PP, sl11=sl07+sl09=TP

Gross load to soil layer three (lower soil). Components included: percolation from soil layer two to three, rural load if number of soil layers is three. HYPE variable IDs: sl13=IN, sl15=ON, sl17=sl13+sl15=TN, sl19=SP, sl21=PP, sl23=sl19+sl21=TP

Gross load to “groundwater” (modified soil layer three). Components included: percolation from soil layer two to three, rural load if number of soil layers is three, tile drain runoff if tile is in soil layer one or two. HYPE variable IDs: sl25=IN, sl27=ON, sl29=sl25+sl27=TN, sl31=SP, sl33=PP, sl35=sl31+sl33=TP

Net soil loads

Net load from soil layer one and two (root zone). Components included: percolation from soil layer two to three, runoff from soil layer one and two, tile drain runoff if tile is in soil layer one or two, surface runoff. HYPE variable IDs: sl02=IN, sl04=ON, sl06=sl02+sl04=TN, sl08=SP, sl10=PP, sl12=sl08+sl10=TP

Net load from soil layer three (lower soil). Components included: runoff from soil layer three, tile drain runoff if tile is in soil layer three. HYPE variable IDs: sl14=IN, sl16=ON, sl18=sl14+sl16=TN, sl20=SP, sl22=PP, sl24=sl20+sl22=TP

Net load from “groundwater” (modified soil layer three). Components included: runoff from soil layer three, tile drain runoff if tile is in any soil layer. HYPE variable IDs: sl26=IN, sl28=ON, sl30=sl26+sl28=TN, sl32=SP, sl34=PP, sl36=sl32+sl34=TP

soil layer one and two
soil layer threemodified soil layer three
Figure 7: Components of calculated gross (brown) and net (green) loads of soil.
Modules (file) Procedures
modelmodule (model_hype.f90)model

Nutrient soil leakage from outer source

There is a model option to skip calculating nutrients with HYPE and instead use nutrient soil leakage from an outer source. In this case the calculations above is skipped, while soil water and runoff processes is calculated as usual. HYPE output variables related to soil nutrients are set to missing values.

The first implemented soil leakage model was

1. montly seasonal variation of concentrations for each subbasin

The soil leakage is introduced into the model as inorganic and organic nitrogen, and soluble reactive phosphorus and particulate phosphorus concentrations of the total runoff. Different possibilities exist on how to introduce these regarding time variations (montly seasonal variation, daily), spatial variations (subbasin, regions) and land use dependence (class groups). So far the only implemented alternative is the monthly seasonal variation.

The nutrient concentration of total runoff (HYPE variable ID crun) is set, and then used for all further calculations in the streams and lakes.

The default is to use HYPE calculated runoff concentrations with the processes described above (modeloption soilleakage 0).

Parameter/Data File
Modules (file) Procedures
modelmodule (model_hype.f90)model
datamodule (data.f90)load_soilleakage_concentrations
modvar (modvar.f90)get_current_soil_leakage


Eckersten, H., P.-E. Jansson, and H. Johnsson 1994. SOILN model – user’s manual 2nd edition, Division of Agricultural Hydrotechnics Communications 94:4, Department of Soil Sciences, Swedish University of AgriculturalSciences, 58pp, Uppsala.

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