How to handle deprecated atmospheric deposition input

If you have an older model set-up (using HYPE version before 5.17.0) and want to upgrade to use the AtmdepData.txt file here are some tips on how to get started. First read the description of the new file. Older models had atmosperic deposition given in GeoData.txt and par.txt. Both type of atmospheric deposition can be transfered to the new file.

In the parameter file (par.txt) deposition of phosphorus was given. They can be transferred like this:

parameter unit of parameter description replacement procedure
drydeppp kg/(km2 d) dry deposition of PP Replace with columns PP_DD_L1..PP_DD_Ln, where n is the number of land uses in the model. Set the same value for all subbasins. The same unit is used for a model with daily time step, because the unit of the file is kg/(km2 ts).
wetdepsp μg/l wet deposition of SP Replace with column SP_WD, The unit of the file is mg/l so multiply the value of the par file with 1000. Set the same value for all subbasins.
wetdepspl kg/(km2 d) wet deposition load of SP on water surfaces Replace with dry deposition in AtmdepData.txt, because it is defined as load. Set column SP_DD_V3 with the same value for all subbasins. The load will be applied on V3, i.e. vegetation type 3 (water surfaces).

In GeoData.txt nitrogen deposition was given by subbasin and vegetation type and/or month. They can be tranfered to the new file like this:

column unit of geodata variable description replacement procedure
wetdep_n μg/l wet deposition of inorganic nitrogen (IN), concentration of precipitation Replaced by column IN_WD in AtmdepData.txt. Note the unit change to mg/l in the new file.
drydep_n1 kg/(km2 d) dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on vegetation type 1 (open) Replaced by column IN_DD_V1 in AtmdepData.txt. The same unit is used for a model with daily time step, because the unit of the file is kg km-2 ts-1. The load will be applied on V1, i.e. vegetation type 1 (open land).
drydep_n2 kg/(km2 d) dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on vegetation type 2 (forest) Replaced by column IN_DD_V2 in AtmdepData.txt.
drydep_n3 kg/(km2 d) dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on vegetation type 3 (water) Replaced by column IN_DD_V3 in AtmdepData.txt.
deploadn1-deploadn12 kg/(km2 d) total deposition of inorganic nitrogen on water, January - December Replaced by adding as dry deposition of IN in AtmdepData.txt. Set columns IN_DD_M1_V3 … IN_DD_M12_V3. The load will be applied on V3 (water), with different values for each month M1..M12.