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This file contains characteristics of the spatially delineated sub-basins in a HYPE model domain. This includes e.g. SUBIDs (sub-basin IDs) and SUBIDs of downstream sub-basins, fractions of SLC classes (hydrological response units) within each sub-basin, different model region (sub-domain) identifiers. As a general rule, information included in GeoData.txt is time-invariant within HYPE.

GeoData.txt is a tab-separated file located in the modeldir folder. Sub-basins are listed row-wise. The first row contains a column header with variable names. Variable names are not case-sensitive (max. 10 characters, no spaces). Columns with headings unknown to HYPE are skipped while reading the file, but must not longer than ten characters. Columns containing character strings, e.g. descriptive meta-data, must not exceed a length of 100 characters. The columns may be in any order. A value must exist for every column and row, i.e. empty cells are not allowed.

Sub-basins have to be ordered in down-stream sequence in GeoData.txt, starting at headwaters and ending at outlet basins. This is because HYPE requires upstream contributions whe computing fluxes at each sub-basin and sub-basin the computation sequence follows GeoData.txt rows. Note that bifurcations as given in input file BranchData.txt will create additional upstream areas and the row order in GeoData.txt must also take those contributions into account.

Example for a GeoData.txt file structure:

subid maindown area parreg lakedataid rivlen slc_1 slc_2 slc_3 slc_4 scr_1 ...
1     3        5000 1      1          0      0.54  0.23  0.1   0.13  0.1   ...
2     3        3000 1      0          0      0.45  0.5   0.05  0           ...
3     0        6000 2      2          500    0.45  0     0.25  0.3   0.2   ...
...   ...      ...  ...    ...        ...    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...

All GeoData.txt variables are described in the table below. Point source can no longer be given in this file, use input file PointSourceData.txt instead.

Variable ID Unit Requirement Description
area m2 mandatory subbasin area
subid - mandatory id number for subbasins, matched against Qobs.txt and Xobs.txt column headings, integer < 107
maindown - mandatory subid of downstream sub-basin, i.e. the one to which the subbasin flows (integer, use 0 for subbasins that don’t run to another subbasin, e.g. coastal areas)
latitude ° optional latitude in degrees N (-90,90), used for calculation of extraterrestrial radiation in Hargreaves-Samani evapotranspiration model
region - optional/mandatory production region for crops in CropData.txt. All sub-basins must have a non-zero region defined if CropData.txt is used.
parreg - optional region for correction parameters (e.g. evapcorr), integer > 0, default is 1
wqparreg - optional region for water quality correction parameters (e.g. incorr), integer > 0, default is 1
lakeregion - optional lake region for watercourse parameter, integer > 0, default is 1
ilregion - optional lake region for ilake parameters, integer > 0, default is 1
olregion - optional lake region for olake parameters, integer > 0, default is 1
elev_mean m optional mean elevation of sub-basin
elev_std m optional variation (standard deviation) in elevation in a subbasin
slope_mean % optional/mandatory slope (>= 0%), mandatory for nutrient modelling
slope_std % optional variation (standard deviation) of slope in a subbasin
lake_depth m optional water depth from outflow threshold, below which outlet flow ceases, down to mean depth for outlet lake, used for general lake discharge curve. Can also be defined in LakeData.txt or par.txt. Definition in LakeData takes precedence. Must be > 0, or set to -9999 to use general or region parameter value from par.txt.
lakedataid - optional lake or lake basin ID, coupled to lakedataid in LakeData.txt, 0 if no such coupling exists
icatch - optional fraction of local runoff that goes through the local lake (ilake), the rests runs directly into the main watercourse. To instead use parameter values (gicatch, ilicatch in par.txt) for a single simulation set value to -9999 in GeoData or remove the column completely.
rivlen m mandatory length of main watercourse within subbasin
loc_rivlen m optional length of local watercourse within subbasin, default is square root of land area
slc_nn - mandatory soil-type/land-use class number nn (soil-landuse-combination class, hydrological response units in HYPE), fraction of the subbasin’s area belonging to this class (between 0 and 1). A maximum of 999 SLCs can be defined nn matches the first column in GeoClass.txt. Smallest slc fraction allowed is 10-7, i.e. 7 decimals.
scr_nn - optional fraction of SLC class nn's area that is sown with secondary crop (between 0 and 1)
dhslc_nn m optional deviation for each class from mean elevation of subbasin (defaults to 0)
grwdown - optional subid for the subbasin to which this subbasin’s lateral/regional groundwater flow runs (use 0 for subbasins whose groundwater flow disappears). If column is missing or all zeros it is assumed that the groundwater flows via maindown.
grwolake - optional fraction of groundwater flow from this subbasin that flows to this subbasins olake instead of to subbasin given in grwdown
loc_tp mg/l optional concentration of Tot-P from rural households outflow
loc_tn mg/l optional concentration of Tot-N from rural households outflow
loc_vol m3/d optional outflow from rural households
loc_sp - optional fraction of rural household P outlet that is in soluble form
loc_in - optional fraction of rural household N outlet that is in soluble form
wetdep_n μg/l optional wet deposition of inorganic nitrogen, concentration of precipitation
drydep_n1 kg/(km2 d) optional dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on vegetation type 1 (open)
drydep_n2 kg/(km2 d) optional dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on vegetation type 2 (forest)
drydep_n3 kg/(km2 d) optional dry deposition of inorganic nitrogen on “vegetation” type 3 (water)
deploadn1 - deploadn12 kg/(km2 d) optional total deposition of inorganic nitrogen on water, January - December
lrwet_area m2 optional area of local river wetland
mrwet_area m2 optional area of main river wetland
lrwet_dep m optional mean depth of local river wetland
mrwet_dep m optional mean depth of main river wetland
lrwet_part - optional part of local river flow through wetland
mrwet_part - optional part of main river flow through wetland
buffer - optional fraction of watercourse through agricultural land that has a buffer zone (between 0 and 1), mandatory for phosphorus simulation
close_w - optional fraction of agricultural land that lies near watercourse and which leakage therefore is affected by the buffer zone (between 0 and 1), mandatory for phosphorus simulation
petmodel - optional defines with alternative potential evapotranspiration model should be used for each subbasin. Default is temperature dependence or use of observations (0), alternatives are temperature dependent (1), modified Jensen-Haise/McGuinness (2), modified Hargreaves-Samani (3), Priestly-Taylor (4), and FAO Penman-Monteith reference crop evapotranspiration (5). Note: will override petmodel given in info.txt
eroindex - optional erosion index given per subbasin, used for erosion model 1 (defaults to 1)
start/hype_file_reference/geodata.txt.1542293621.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)