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This is a file with simulation assessment, summarising performance criteria over model domain. The file is located in the resultdir folder. The file contains values of most performance criteria of the selected variables in the objective function. Note: If several RA criteria have been selected, only the last of them will be printed to file. Not calculated criterion are indicated by -9999. All information from the simass-files can also be found in the hyss_yymmddHHMM.log.

When ensemble or sequence simulations are made, the results from simulations (I=1 .. n or I=sequence number>0) are written to files named simassX_00I.txt, where n is defined by num_ens in optpar.txt.

The following performance criteria may be calculated: corresponding code for info.txt.

start/hype_file_reference/simass.txt.1430752605.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/16 14:28 (external edit)