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Tutorial sub-daily time steps in HYPE

HYPE can simulate water flow with several different time steps, between one hour and one day. The most common is to use the original daily time step. That is the longest time step available in HYPE and what the model was first developed for. Other available time step lengths are 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour, 4 hour, 6 hour, 8 hour, 12 hour, and 24 hour, i.e. daily time step.

How to adapt a HYPE model to use sub-daily time steps

To use sub-daily time steps in a simulation of HYPE require more than a change in simulation settings, the model set-up is also affected. A model set-up of HYPE with shorter time step than daily will differ from a model set-up of daily time step in three main aspects. These are:

  1. time series files (i.e forcing data and other observation data files)
  2. simulation settings (e.g. steplength in info)
  3. the parameter values.

Each aspect will be described in detail below. In addition, at the end of this section, some miscellaneous input that may need to be considered are described.

The forcing data and other observation data files

HYPE uses forcing data and other observations as time series of the time step of the simulation. These time series files have, as for a daily model set-up, a complete time series covering all time steps for the period it has data. The first column often holding only the date for daily files is exchanged for a column with date-time. The format of the date-time is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM, or alternatively YYYYMMDDHHMM.

For HYPE it is the date-time of the beginning of the time step that is given in the file. For example, for a time step of 12 hours the date-times of January 2, 1995 are 1999-01-02 00:00 and 1995-01-02 12:00. Similar to the daily files, the values of the files are the average over the time step, e.g. air temperature, or the sum over timestep, e.g. precipitation. Thus for an 1-hourly model set up, the content of the forcing data Tobs at 2023-11-21 10:00 is the average of the air temperature between 2023-11-21 10:00 and 2023-11-21 11:00 (in degree Celsius), while the corresponding Pobs value is the precipitation between the same times (in mm/hour).

An exception is observed lake water state (HYPE variable id wstr) used in updating of HYPE, which are the water level at the end of the timestep. This means that for this example, the value of 2023-11-21 10:00 is actually the observation of water level at 2023-11-21 11:00.

Simulation settings

The simulation settings are all given in info.txt. The default time step is daily, so for a daily simulation the code for steplength is not needed. For other time step lengths the code steplength is set to the wanted number of hours. Some examples:

steplength 1h
steplength 6h
steplength 1d

The start and end of the simulation are given after their respective codes words in the form of date-time (format described above). In addition, all other dates in the settings are needed in date-time format. Following are some of the most commonly used date-time codes of HYPE (the model has steplength 1h in the example). All settings that use date-time are found on the info.txt page.

bdate        2011-01-01 00:00
cdate        2012-01-01 00:00
edate        2021-12-31 23:00
outstatedate 2022-01-01 00:00

The setting regestimate for regional estimated parameters by regression can be used for sub-daily time steps. Beware that if it is used on parameters with time step dependence (see next section), the regression coefficients need to be suitable for the time step length.

HYPE has many options (modeloption) for using different formulations for model processes or other functions. They are set in info.txt and listed there. Many modeloptions related to water simulations work without problem with sub-daily time steps. See below for full list on status of modeloptions (for water and for substances).

Updating discharge and lake water level with the updating methods work for sub-daily time step simulations. Updating of discharge and lake water level with the auto-regressive method has time step dependent input in the update.txt file. The AR-factors used in these updating methods, qar and warupd, and defined in update.txt, need to be adjusted.

The simulation of substances (substance) with HYPE is not fully developed for sub-daily time steps.

The setting readdaily work and is recommended for sub-daily time steps. It means that files are read each time step to get the current forcing and observations.

The ordinary output formats work for sub-daily time steps. The available output aggregation times are the time step of the simulation, daily, monthly, yearly, and for the whole simulation period.

Criteria calculations should work on sub-daily time step simulations, but only the most common ones have been tested.

Model parameters

Model parameters that depend on the timestep need to be set accordingly. HYPE holds most of its parameters in the file par.txt (see list), but some of them can also be set in reg_par.txt. Both these files (if used) must be adapted.

Time step dependent parameters (i.e those with a unit of time steps) need to be adjusted according to the timestep. If there is a daily model setup that is to be adapted, they can as a first estimate be rescaled (unit transformed) according to the difference in time step length. There is a function in the R-package HYPEtools (link to HYPEtools) that can do this for you (ScalePar).

Table with current (HYPE version 5.25.0) time step dependent parameters for water simulation.

Parameter Unit Description
cevp mm °C-1 ts-1 evapotranspiration parameter
cmlt mm °C-1 ts-1 melting parameter for snow
glaccmlt mm °C-1 ts-1 melting parameter for glacier
irrdemand mm ts-1 the irrigation water demand for subbasins with demandtype=1
mactrinf mm ts-1 threshold for macro-pore flow
mperc1 mm ts-1 maximum percolation capacity from soil layer 1 to soil layer 2
mperc2 mm ts-1 maximum percolation capacity from soil layer 2 to soil layer 3
rcgrw ts-1 recession coefficient for regional groundwater outflow from soil layers
rcgrwst ts-1 recession coefficient for deep percolation flow out of soil layers
rrcs1 ts-1 recession coefficient for uppermost soil layer
rrcs2 ts-1 recession coefficient for lowest soil layer
rrcs3 ts-1 %-1 recession coefficient for slope dependence (upper layer)
srrcs ts-1 recession coefficient for surface runoff (fraction), should be set to 1 for lake and riverclasses with floodplains
trrcs ts-1 recession coefficient for tile drains
sdnsrate ts-1 increase of snow density per timestep
sdnsradd ts-1 additional increase of snow density per timestep for warm days
snalbkexp ts-1 parameter for snowmelt model 2

NOTE: The parameters for snow density increase per day (snowdensdt) and snow compaction for lake and river ice model (licesndens and ricesndens) have the unit g cm-3 d-1 in the current HYPE code and do not need to be rescaled. They have erronous had the unit g cm-3 ts-1 stated on the wiki page of par.txt. These parameters may become time step dependent in future HYPE version.

Only one time step dependent parameter can be found in reg_par.txt. That is rrcs3. This parameter can be used with regional parameter estimation by regression.

This method to rescale time step dependent parameters by unit transformation, has been used and shown to be working rather well (Fuentes-Andino et al. 2022). Still, some may work better with another rescaling. Other parameters may need recalibration or adjustment for a simulation with sub-daily time steps. Interesting parameters/processes for further adjustment, may be found reading the model description, studying the model simulation, or reading the detailed description of how HYPE functions are working for shorter time steps (section below). The parameters recalibrated in previous work can also be used as a starting point if the directly rescaled model is not working well.

Table with parameters adjusted/calibrated in previous work at SMHI with simulation with sub-daily time steps.

Name Unit Description
cevp mm °C-1 ts-1 evapotranspiration parameter
cmlt mm °C-1 ts-1 melting parameter for snow
mactrinf mm ts-1 threshold for macro-pore flow
mperc1 mm ts-1 maximum percolation capacity from soil layer 1 to 2
rivvel m s-1 celerity of flood in watercourse (rivvel>0)
rrcs1 ts-1 recession coefficient for uppermost soil layer
rrcs2 ts-1 recession coefficient for lowest soil layer
srrcs ts-1 recession coefficient for surface runoff
srrate - fraction for surface runoff
ttmp °C threshold temperature for melt, snow density and evapotranspiration
ttpi °C half of temperature interval with mixed snow- and rainfall
wcfc1 - fraction of soil water (layer 1) available for evapotranspiration but not runoff


Starting state files saved from one model cannot be used for another model with other time steps. The number of states will be different.

There are no other input related to flow simulation that need to be changed for a simulation with a sub-daily time step. It is good to remember though, that the flow input in PointsourceData.txt and GeoData.txt should not be changed. This because, the flow from point sources and local diffuse sources should be given in m3/day also for simulations with sub-daily time steps.

NOTE: The above adaptations is true for a HYPE simulation of water. For substance simulations there is other input that might be affected. HYPE is not yet fully adapted to handle a simulation of sub-daily time steps than days with substances. See next section for details on which parts of the HYPE model work and which may not.

Specific HYPE functions at sub-daily time steps

This section holds information on if and how specific HYPE model parts works for sub-daily time steps. There are functions which workings have not been checked or tested.

:!: This section is under construction and will be complemented.

In general, the water simulation parts of the HYPE model work, with some exceptions, while the substance simulations have several model parts that is known not to work well. The substance simulation processes have not been checked in any systematic way. A few processes has been adapted when other changes made it suitable. Still, simulations with substances are running, but the inner function of some processes are unknown. Models using sub-daily time steps have been used and reported in e.g. Fuentes-Andino et al. 2022, Olsson et al. 2017, and Ivarsson et al. 2017.

The status of model parts has been divided into four tables. The split is made between models of water and substances, and between modeloptions set in info.txt and other model choices.

Status of modeloptions for water

Table with status of current modeloption (HYPE version 5.25.0) related to water simulation with sub-daily time steps.

Model option Status Comment/Description
connectivity 0 ok common ilake model, link to local lake description
connectivity 1 unknown fill-and-spill ilake section model, link to local lake description
connectivity 2 unknown Hysteretic Depression Storage (HDS) model replace ilake model, link to local lake description
connectivity 3 unknown fill-and-spill-ilake model and HDS model, link to local lake description
deepground 0 ok
deepground 1 ok
deepground 2 ok
floodmodel 0 ok
floodmodel 1 not tested
floodmodel 2 not tested
floodmodel 3 not tested
frozensoil 0 ok
frozensoil 1 not tested
frozensoil 2 not tested
glacierini 0 ok
glacierini 1 ok
growthstartmodel 0 ok actually not used for water simulation
growthstartmodel 1 partly ok actually not used for water simulation, therefore ok for water simulation, not ok for substance simulation
growthstartmodel 2 not ok degree day accumulation model
growthstartmodel 3 not ok degree day accumulation model
infiltration 0 ok
infiltration 1 not tested limitation of infiltration by frozen soil
infiltration 2 ok
infiltration 3 not tested limitation of infiltration by frozen soil
lakeriverice 0 ok no lake or river ice simulated
lakeriverice 1 unknown lake and river ice model with temperature transfer between air and water
lakeriverice 2 unknown lake and river ice model with surface water heat balance
petmodel 0 ok potential evapotranspiration depend solely on air temperature, and observations of PET
petmodel 1 ok potential evapotranspiration depend solely on air temperature
petmodel 2 not ok potential evapotranspiration, modified Jensen-Haise/McGuiness model, do not in general work for sub-daily time steps because the model is based on daily mean, maximum and minimum input.
petmodel 3 not ok potential evapotranspiration, modified Hargreaves-Samani, do not in general work for sub-daily time steps because the model is based on daily mean, maximum and minimum input.
petmodel 4 not ok potential evapotranspiration, Priestly-Taylor, do not in general work for sub-daily time steps because the model is based on daily mean, maximum and minimum input.
petmodel 5 not ok potential evapotranspiration, FAO Penman-Monteith, do not in general work for sub-daily time steps because the model is based on daily mean, maximum and minimum input.
riverflowmodel 0 ok
riverflowmodel 1 ok
snowdensity 0 ok
snowdensity 1 ok
snowevaporation 0 ok no snow evaporation
snowevaporation 1 unknown
snowfalldist 0 ok no snow fall distribution
snowfalldist 1 unknown
snowfalldist 2 unknown
snowfallmodel 0 ok temperature dependent
snowfallmodel 1 ok forcing data dependent
snowheat 0 ok
snowheat 1 ok
snowmeltmodel 0 ok temperature index model
snowmeltmodel 2 not ok temperature and radiation index model
surfacerunoff 0 ok
surfacerunoff 1 ok
surfacerunoff 2 ok
surfacerunoff 3 ok
surfacerunoff 4 ok
wetlandmodel 0 ok no wetland model
wetlandmodel 1 unknown nutrient retention wetland model
wetlandmodel 2 ok iwet and owet

Status of model parts for water

Table with status of model parts related to water simulation with sub-daily time steps. These are part of the model that is goverened by input data or model parameters.

Model part Status Comment/Description
precipitation corrections ok
temperature corrections ok
snow fraction forcing ok
rain and snowfall separation ok The temperature interval with mixed snow and rain could be different for daily average temperature compared to hourly temperature. E.g. parameter values ttmp=0 and ttpi=1 give mixed snow and rain for all days with average temperature between plus and minus one degree for a daily model, but for a hourly model it will give mixed snow and rain for all days with some hour temperature between plus and minus one degree which could be many more days.
ground water table, soil moisture deficit and frost depth ok
Soil temperature and frost depth calculations ok
Actual evapotranspiration from soil ok
runoff ok Groundwater runoff, runoff through drainage pipes, infiltration and surface runoff, and saturated surface runoff.
percolation and macropore flow ok
glaciers partly ok glacier model is ok except for modeloption 2 of the snowmeltmodel (see table above)
evaporation of rivers unknown
delay and attenuation of river flow ok
Hydraulic geometry to calculate water depth and velocity not checked
river water level by rationg curve not checked
evaporation of lakes ok
lake outflow with rating curve ok
regulated lake with production flow ok
regulated lake with two rating curves not tested the smoothing of the shift between two regulation periods have not been checked
dams of specific purpose ok
outlet lake with two outlets not tested
multi-basin lake not tested
constructing dams not tested
bifurcations ok
regional groundwater flows and aquifers ok
constructed wetland for water regulation not tested iwet and owet special classes; description
irrigation partly ok irrigation works except for the modeloption growthstartmodel 2 and 3
local diffuse sources ok It is good to remember though, that the flow input in GeoData.txt should not be changed. This because, the flow from local diffuse sources is given in m3/day also for simulations with sub-daily time steps.
point sources ok It is good to remember though, that the flow input in PointsourceData.txt should not be changed. This because, the flow from point sources is given in m3/day also for simulations with sub-daily time steps.
shortwave radiation forcing not ok daily radiation sometimes handled as sub-daily in processes, e.g. snow melt
relative humuidity forcing unknown daily average
daily minimum temperature forcing unknown
daily maximum temperature forcing unknown
wind speed and directional wind forcing ok
updating of flow and water stage (update.txt) ok for the qarupd and warupd methods the AR-factor (arfact) in update.txt need to be adjusted for sub-daily time steps
water balance output unknown printwaterbal in info.txt
data assimilation with Kalman-filter method unknown
shorter time steps than one hour unknown

Status of modeloptions for substances

Table with status of current modeloption (HYPE version 5.25.0) related to substance simulation with sub-daily time steps.

Model option Status Comment/Description
diffusesource 0 ok local diffuse source as flow and concentration
diffusesource 1 ok local diffuse source as load. Loads for diffuse sources do not need to be adjusted, they are given in amount per year. The load is spread evenly over the time steps.
erosionmodel 0 unknown
erosionmodel 1 unknown
growthstartmodel 0 ok constant starting date of growth season
growthstartmodel 1 not ok degree day accumulation model
growthstartmodel 2 ok constant starting date of growth season for nutrients
growthstartmodel 3 not ok degree day accumulation model
lakeriverice 0 ok no lake or river ice simulated
lakeriverice 1 unknown lake and river ice model with temperature transfer between air and water
lakeriverice 2 unknown lake and river ice model with surface water heat balance
rivert2model 0 unknown
rivert2model 1 unknown
sedresuspmodel 0 unknown
sedresuspmodel 1 unknown
sedresuspmodel 2 unknown
siltation 0 ok no siltation simulated
siltation 1 unknown
siltation 2 unknown
siltation 3 unknown
substanceflushing 0 ok no flushing of other substances than sediment
substanceflushing 1 unknown
soilleakage 0 unknown
soilleakage 1 unknown
soilleakage 2 unknown
soilleakage 3 unknown
soilleakage 4 unknown
soilleakage 5 unknown
swtemperature 0 unknown
swtemperature 1 unknown
wetlandmodel 0 ok no wetland model
wetlandmodel 1 not ok River wetlands, used to simulate constructed wetlands for nutrient reduction. This model has hard-coded coefficients.
wetlandmodel 2 unknown iwet and owet

Status of model parts for substances

Table with status of model parts related to substance simulation with sub-daily time steps. These are part of the model that is goverened by input data or model parameters.

Model part Status Comment/Description
atmospheric deposition ok The data in file AtmdepData.txt is time step dependent, and need to be adjusted depending on the time step of the simulation.
local diffuse sources ok It is good to remember though, that the flow input in GeoData.txt should not be changed. This because, the flow from local diffuse sources is given in m3/day also for simulations with sub-daily time steps. Loads for diffuse sources do not need to be adjusted, they are given in amount per year. The load is spread evenly over the time steps.
point sources ok It is good to remember though, that the flow input in PointsourceData.txt should not be changed. This because, the flow from point sources is given in m3/day also for simulations with sub-daily time steps.
fertilization and crop residues ok Fertilization and crop residues (litterfall) are added first timestep of each day.
nutrient uptake and soil erosion unknown
nutrient soil processes unknown
gross and net soil load unknown
nutrient soil leakage from outer source unknown
river characteristics (area, depth and bankful flow) ok used for nutrient simulations
nutrient processes in rivers and lakes unknown denitrification, primary production and mineralization, sedimentation and resuspension, macrophytes (wiki)
internal nutrient load of lake not ok The value of the parameters is in m/d, but they are used as if it were m/ts (wiki)
substance T1 unknown tracer model
substance T2 unknown Water temperature model
substance C unknown organic carbon model
substance S unknown sediment model
substance Si unknown silica model
printload not ok The output of yearly nutrient loads printload does not work on sub-daily time steps.


Fuentes-Andino, D., Y. Hundecha, G. Lindström and J. Olsson, 2022. Exploring the potential for parameter transfer from daily to hourly time step in the HYPE model for Sweden. Hydrological Science Journal, 67(13):1988-2001.

Ivarsson, C.-L., Olsson, J., Pers, C. and Y. Hundecha, 2017. High-resolution ensemble flood forecasting: A case study in Höje å, Sweden, Vatten - Journal of Water Management and Research 73:85–92.

Olsson, J., Pers, B.C., Bengtsson, L., Pechlivanidis, I., Berg, P., and H. Körnich, 2017. Distance-dependent depth-duration analysis in high-resolution hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting: a case study in Malmö City, Sweden. Environmental Modelling and Software. 93:381-397.

start/hype_tutorials/subdaily_timesteps.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/02 13:26 by cpers